Dear Team 5, 13 Nerfs + Wish List + Future Core Cards

Dear Team 5 … Get your popcorn lot to read here.

I could have made this post into 2-3 separate posts but I did one instead.

Cards that ruin Hearthstone…AGAIN.

  • Deck of Lunacy - This card is just a joke.

  • Refreshing Spring Water - This card is broken. Draw 2 cards for 0 mana. This card needs to be reworked in more then 1 way. Until Deck of scamaz Lunacy is addressed this will be one of the best cards in the game.

  • Efficient Octo-bot - What made you think giving rogue this card was a good idea? Let me tell you, because you know if it was neutral it would break the game, and since you got rid of Edwin you knew Rogue needed a new toy to take advantage of the game, well guess what you succeeded. Nerf it to 4-5 mana.

  • Pen Flinger - No counter cant play around this nonsense. Nerf to 3 mana. Nerf to 2 mana might extinct this card which is exactly what I want but I want it at 3 mana.

  • Devolving Missiles - Needs to rotate out no-one likes this card. Nerf to 11 mana.

  • Cascading Disaster - This card is broken, needs to be 5-6 mana.

  • Jandice Barov - Nerf to 6-7 mana simple fix.

  • Brawl - How this card has stayed at 5 mana for Hearthstone eternity is actually a joke.

  • Sethekk Veilweaver - More random card generation very creative and interactive.

  • Far Watch Post - This is the best Watch Post by “FAR” and is the least amount of mana.

  • Sword of The Fallen - I don’t think this card is as strong as others but in the mirror the winner plays this on coin or turn 2 more often then not and its hard for the opponent to catch up and pretty much loses the game. Nerf to 3 mana maybe even 4.

  • Tickatus - I don’t have as much of a problem with this card then others but it is a problem in a control/slower meta. If the meta is more aggro or midrange its fine. But Team 5, you are Notorious since after Naxx for making the meta a pay to win meta which is mostly dominated by the decks that costs the most dust/money to create and play. Therefore Ticketus must be nerfed to 7-8 mana.

  • Field Contract - Card is a little suspect not sure if it needs a nerf yet though.

Side notes…

These cards for the majority need more then just a 1 mana difference because they’re broken. Most of them need a 2 mana difference and looking at this list of cards they should have never been printed in the first place.

Secret cards - I don’t mind the secrets as bad as the fact as the counters you left in the game are non existent, there is no counter play. Why would you rotate out Flare from hunter? Flare being a counter is debatable itself. But the other secret destroying cards are completely useless.

Wish List / Changes that needed to be done for Hearthstone.

  • Make all UNCRAFTABLE CARDS CRAFTABLE - I’m tired of seeing Marin the Fox in my collection. I don’t want to see Snip Snap, I don’t want to see Zayle, Shadow KEK. I don’t want to see Galakrond cards. Since Classic and Core sets are two completely different things now, all cards need to have a value from Common to Legendary and we should be able to disenchant them all for dust. All cards from Core, Wild and Classic need to be disenchantable and the uncraftable option needs to be removed from the game. This will help a lot of players with more dust to be able to craft a meta deck, as well as really help NEW PLAYERS to be able to get into the game in a more competitive way a lot quicker. After all this is a free to play game right Team 5?

  • The new Core Cards Set should be available for use for both Wild, Standard AND Classic set if eligible. We can use Core Cards for Wild but not Classic, and cant use Core Set cards for Classic if eligible. They need to be universal so we can use any card we have for whatever format if eligible. (I understand that some classic cards are now a little different from the same card in Standard/Core set whether its 1 mana difference, 1 health difference ect, ect… but it needs to be universal. Hearthstone dev team you gotta make this change make it happen.

  • Once you get LEGEND in your Hearthstone career you permanently have 10 bonus stars. You guys do whatever you want for the top 100 legend anyway, so at least give us dirty casual dumpster players a reason to grind the game, LOSE A LOT, and be at the bottom of the totem pole like usual even though we all netdeck. You would never implement this, BUT YOU SHOULD. (This means I can take a casual month off or two from the game only get Diamond 5-10 and stay at 10 bonus stars.)

  • Need to add BAN ONE class to ranked modes or all modes. Hey Team 5!!!, what is taking so long for you to add a BAN ONE CLASS to ranked mode? Have you ever thought that maybe people would complain A LOT less if they can just BAN the 1-2 classes in the game that are broken and ruins the game? How this isn’t a thing still in 2021 is completely disgusting. Banning one class of the users choice will also bring healthy strategy to the game as well. (Some pros wont even ban a class because they will want to practice vs everything, but the people who want to ban a class should be able to do so.) Any game that’s worth anything in 2021 has some type of banning system for its player base, I suggest you join them.

On a positive note, I am going hard on Team 5, someone has to be the bad guy to bring equality to all players… With that said you guys have done a lot of work, and good work at that when it comes to the Core set. Getting rid of a lot of cards that were problems and getting rid of cards that were just in the game for far too long being a little too good. As well as trying to change the identity of some of the classes as well, these were all good things. I’m saying all that to get to this point, I want this game to keep on improving, since their is 10 classes in the game at the moment without Death Knight and Monk being a class yet who should be in the game too by the way, these are some cards I feel like should be in the Core Set moving forward that makes sense for the direction you guys are trying to take and have synergy with the cards you have chosen for the Core Set and the future of Hearthstone. With the Core Set you or we shouldn’t have to wait a year for cards to be added to the Core set, they should be added to help the game and or to help a class that needs it. (As soon as the game or specific class needs the help. Some of these cards should have never left so quickly mostly Demon Hunter.) I also know some of these cards are currently in Standard, I’m hoping they stay there for the longhall and get moved to the Core Set. Anyway, here is the list of cards Team 5 should think about ADDING TO THE CORE SET, 5 cards for each class (Druid, Priest and Warrior had 1-2 more cards because of ideas) and neutral cards, a combination of new and old cards, some even from the latest expansion Forged in the Barrens. Neutral card recommendations will be a little different then the class ones.

  • Demon Hunter - Consume Magic + Altruis the Outcast + Kayn Sunfury + Skull of Guldan, Priestess of Fury (Priestess of Fury because Raging Felscreamer and Illidari Inquisitor are in the Core set. I know some of these just went from Initiate set to Legacy/Wild but some of them need to return to the Core Set, they were nerfed, addressed and aren’t a problem. Deck of Lunacy is a problem not these cards in its current state.)

  • Druid - Lightning Bloom + Mark of the Lotus + Darnassus Aspirant + Overgrowth + Astral Communion + Aviana (Aviana should be just fine without Kun. Astral Communion is a meme but its a fun meme and I think it would be interesting in this 2021 meta for Druid.)

  • Hunter - Flare + Brave Archer + Piercing Shot + Vereesa Windrunner + Kathrena Winterwisp (Brave Archer because you added Quick Shot back.)

  • Mage - Frostbolt + Medivh’s Valet + Stargazer Luna + Potion of Illusion + Aluneth (Have Frostbolt read, Deal 3 damage to a minion, keep it oldschool for classic, change it for Core set. Make it like the new version of Holy Smite for Priest, or just bring back the old Frostbolt period, either way is fine with me. Stargazer Luna and Aluneth should be fine because Luna’s Pocket Galaxy isn’t a thing in Standard anymore.)

  • Paladin - Blessing of Wisdom + Rebuke + Paragon of Light + Eadric the Pure + Ragnaros, Lightlord. (Rebuke because Mage and Rogue need to be addressed as well as punished for trying to combo with spells non stop for momentum. Rebuke isn’t the last of this kind, you will see later with the neutral cards I recommend)

  • Priest - Power Word: Shield + Shadowbomber + Embrace the Shadow + Auchenai Soulpriest + Spawn of Shadows (Revert Shadowform to the old version, the 2nd time you cast Shadowform it does 3 damage for the rest of the game. Remove Thrive in the Shadows, move it to wild and replace it with Shadow Visions for the Core Set. Add Apotheosis in the future to the Core Set as well. Shadow Priest has always been very good to dominate in World of Warcraft, its about time the same thing happens for Shadow Priest in Hearthstone.)

  • Rogue - Blade Flurry + Cutpurse + Sonya Shadowdancer + Potion of Illusion + Sherazin, Corpse Flower (Cutpurse because you added Tomb Pillager back. Sonya should be fine since The Caverns Below is no longer a thing for Standard anymore. Keep Blade Flurry as damages minions only.)

  • Shaman - Lightning Bloom + Storm’s Wrath + Maelstrom Portal + Hot Spring Guardian + Bloodlust

  • Warlock - Wicked Whispers + Darkglare + Nightshade Matron + Hand of Gul’dan + Mal’Ganis

  • Warrior - Inner Rage, Battle Rage, Death’s Bite, Iron Juggernaut, Varian Wrynn (Maybe give Varian Wrynn a buff card that says “Battlecry: Draw 3 Minions”, instead of Draw 3 cards, Put the Minions you drew directly into the battlefield.) (Blackhowl Gunspire, from inspiration from the new Watch Towers, maybe rework this card a little to deal 3 damage without having to take damage)

  • Neutrals

  • Make all Watch Post Cards and Kargal Battlescar Core Cards (These are some of the best cards you guys made in a while just nerf Far Watch Post a little.)

  • For Secret decks - Secretkeeper + Subject 9

  • Counter Secret decks - Eater of Secrets + Kezan Mystic + Chief Inspector + Skulking Geist (Not really a secret counter, just a counter.)

  • Cards to Counter Rogue and Mage - Cult Neophyte + Nerub’ar Weblord + Stonesplinter Trogg + Burly Rockjaw Trogg + Daring Reporter + The Darkness + Boompistol Bully + Burgly Bully + Loatheb (For far too long Rogue and Mage have nothing to worry about and just cast spells left and right for a lot of momentum. Mage and Rogue might be the most fun two classes to play in my opinion, but they’re also most dirtiest as well and don’t have enough counters. Its time for Rogue and Mage to feel the presence of something once again, and that’s hitting them where it hurts making them pay for wanting to cast a bunch of spells/combo cards/battlecry cards each turn.)

  • Legendaries - Teron Gorefiend + Blademaster Samuro + Maiev Shadowsong + Spiritsinger Umbra + Elise the Trailblazer + Feugen + Stalagg + Justicar Trueheart + The Black Knight + Troggzor the Earthinator + Da Undatakah + Medivh, the Guardian (The best card ever printed) + Colossus of the Moon + Deathwing, Dragonlord + N’Zoth, God of the Deep + N’Zoth, the Corruptor + Y’Shaarj, Rage Unbound (These are by no means the best cards in the game, some of them are better then others, some a lot better then others, but I feel like all these cards would be a lot of fun in this meta without them being broken supported by a card that’s long gone in wild and cards in the current meta.)

  • Some love for Aggro which will still be bad - Voracious Reader + Magic Carpet (Part of me didn’t even want to add Magic Carpet to this list because its so cringe but I had to.)

  • Miscellaneous - Frozen Shadoweaver + Questing Adventurer + Shade of Naxxramas + Lifedrinker + Piloted Shredder + Spectral Knight + Clockwork Automaton + Fungalmancer + Exotic Mountseller

… Sincerely your best friend - Anudora

Blizzard will get right back to you.


Youre lucky im not part of the dev team, I would get at Mage and Rogue so bad you would change that portrait of yours

Mage is fine, just nuke Lunacy from orbit.

I wanna still ping some fools.

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That’s a lot of words.

20 char …