Dean Ayala's Community Q&A - Purchaseble decks


  • They want to add pre-constructed decks that you can purchase.
  • These decks will be competitive right out of the box.
  • No timeline on when pre-constructed decks will happen.
  • Today they were discussing doing more Wild bundle deals.
  • New tech lets them do personalized bundles which makes it easier to offer wild content.

Battle Pass

  • When big topics come up in the community, they don’t always have someone that feels comfortable talking about it.
  • The team was not aligned on what to do which is why we didn’t get a fast response on the issues.


  • Freeze Shaman was canned and made intentionally weak because they noticed too late in development how negative the gameplay was.
  • Freeze Shaman was fun to play but not fun to play against.
  • The dev team was certain they’d nerf Malfurion the Pestilent but he ended up being powerful yet fine.
  • Dr. Morrigan was a risky card considering how powerful Warlock was at the time. She saw “basically 0 play” so there was no need to nerf her.
  • They try to not repeat archetype support for stuff they’ve done lately and is something the class is good at. Supporting archetypes almost there is the way to go.
  • Muster for Battle was “insane in data”, much better than almost all cards during its time in Standard.
  • Patches the Pirate was likely the best card ever prior to his nerf.
  • Dean’s top 5 OP Cards:
    1. Corridor Creeper
    2. Undertaker
    3. Patches the Pirate
    4. Spreading Plague
    5. Leeroy Jenkins

Tavern Brawl

  • Dean is 99% sure brawls will drop Year of the Phoenix packs. A blog coming out soon will confirm the plans.


  • They will continue to add more secrets to the game boards as they enjoy doing it.
  • More modes being added doesn’t worry Dean since the population size of Hearthstone is so massive. 1v1s also help.
  • The big concern about more modes is the upkeep required. It means they have less time to develop each next big thing.


  • A favourite idea for an expansion was the Innkeeper being kidnapped and the 10 heroes got together to investigate his disappearance.
  • Would love to do a space cat or space dog line of themed skins.
  • Recently installed window coverings in the house him and Molly bought last year.
  • He has the most wins with Paladin. Lots of Mysterious Challenger and Odd Paladin.
  • Dean is playing Freeze Mage first when Classic Mode hits.

Sometimes, these types of answers really puzzles me.
It creates a very open interpretation from different players.

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I hope these get added as a reward on the reward track too.

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I see what you did there :stuck_out_tongue:

Communication box!

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and we still don’t know how we’ll get the core set cards? we already have the cards from classic, basic, wild, aoo, dh initiate and hof but what about the new ones?

So why did they add Mass Resurrection to keep alive an archetype people were already sick of just before it rotated?

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We’ll get the core set when the expansion hits. They’ll be available for everyone.

They outlined that forever ago.

Each class’s core cards are unlocked by hitting level 10 on that class. 60 levels across all classes gets you all of the neutrals.

If you already meet that qualification, you get them all upon release.

I think Shakou wants to own the cards.

Cards from core set aren’t ‘‘given’’ to you permanently.
So he wants to craft and possibly open them from packs I assume.

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Yeah I don’t think they’ve decided how that’ll work yet.

Freeze Shaman was fun to play, unfun to fight.
More like Freeze Shaman was never played. I love this archtype. Unlike Freeze Mage where you just stall for 30 turns, you lose some tempo for value over-time. That is such an interesting way to use the Freeze mechnanic but just like a bunch of other archytypes, it got 0 support after the expansion the archytype was added to the game. Feels bad tbh.

i remember reading shaman DK hero power was supposed to be freezing a minion
that would help explain it

His point is “Freeze Shaman was unfun to play against so we rendered it not competitive.”

Even just the Thrall card providing more reliable freeze effects would have made freeze shaman overall pretty good.

Nah, they indirectly nerfed her. I’m pretty sure I was the only one playing her seriously and doing a DEEP dive into how her mechanics worked.

In fact, it was me that broke the myth about how she works and how shuffles work in the deck. Everyone thought she had a max shuffle and I proved that to be wrong.

They indirectly nerfed her when they stealth changed the way deathrattles work. I have a few major threads on these forums (or the old ones??) on how she really works (or worked). It’s a shame they nerfed it silently.

And now we know why Paladin has gone untouched and unnerfed for so long despite being at the top of ladder for the longest time. That’s really sad. It was mind boggling how each new nerf announcement didn’t bother mentioning Paladin but kept focusing on other stuff. Now it makes total sense.


how come you’re the only one who can understand me?

only for a year*


A good sensei understands his student.

The innkeeper getting kidnapped is a cool idea, makes you wonder who took him. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Probably Rafaam and a new league of evil.