Dangerous Cliffside/Scrapbooking Student Bug

As demon hunter, I played dangerous cliffside and did not activate it on the turn it was played. On the next turn, I played a scrapbooking student that I generated using resort valet. I now had 2 dangerous cliffsides, each at 3 durability. Both locations were open, however, I was only able to use the copy (the one on the right). I had open board space for the summons. I attacked with my hero, and was still unable to use the original location. I waited 2 turns, trying each turn, and it still would not activate. I was able to use the copy as normal until it ran out of durability, at which point I still was not able to use the original. I then lost the game because of this. I was still able to highlight the non-functioning location. I was playing on mobile, this was in standard ranked.

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I just arrived to report this bug. I played a Hedge Maze and let it sit for two turns. Then I played my Scrapbooking Student, and got a copy. The original showed as green, but was 100% unresponsive. The copy worked as expected. This needs to be fixed ASAP.

Edit: I see this issue in the Known Issues list now, so let’s hope there will be progress on this matter soon.