Dalaran Heist Replayability

Me :smiley:

Finished it on Heroic and now got into Anomaly Mode.

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Because I BADLY want to like it, and Iā€™m desperate. Iā€™ve been becoming less and less satisfied with this game, and am pretty much ready to quit. Ready to quit something that Iā€™ve spent dozens-hundreds of hours/dollars in, and used to truly enjoy.

I donā€™t think DH isā€¦horrible. Itā€™s:

  1. The straw that broke the camelā€™s back
  2. Has quite a few design decisions that I just cannot comprehend defending, which really twists this particular knife for me

ā€¦all of this is not to say that youā€™re wrong for enjoying it, though. There are definitely things they did well, and Iā€™m sincerely glad you disagree with me and had a good time. :slight_smile:

Congrats! I forget who convinced me to give anomalies another chance, but that was a good call. It didnā€™t bring me around on the game, but i did discover several utterly broken builds that you can commit to early on, and was able to help people beat Heroic levels easily.