Dalaran heist bug

Whenever you select a deck for a hero it auto sets you to the first one instead. I was playing priest I selected visions instead it gave me disciplined. Happened again on warlock and later mage. Very annoying, same thing also happened for hero powers. Found on heroic and normal if that matters.

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This is a current bug.

We know. It has been a bug for months now that has gone unfixed. This is paid content that got retroactively broken and because they already sucked our money for it blizzard has no desire to actually FIX IT.

It will be fixed today with the new patch.

You are literally saying that after it’s been announced that it is getting fixed today…

That changes the length it took to fix how exactly?

How can they have no desire to fix something that they actually already fixed ?
They can’t push updates whenever they want they have dedicated schedules for that. First update we’ve had since the bug has been introduced was reasonnably too close to get it fixed, it’s sad that they couldn’t fix it on the second one and that’s all there’s to it. Not mentionning both updates were server-side only, so updates that may not have the capability to fix such issue if the root cause was client-side.
1 Month later, 3 updates later but only one real update later, bug is fixed, that’s it, move on with your life.
Not here to argue with someone that just want to whine because they think everything should be adressed instantaneously, and that everything that has not been is proof of bad intentions

Yes because i said instantaneous how many times? Keep making things up. Mode is broken again anyway.