Daily and Weekly quest progress not working

Hello, since last patch I have encountered a problem with quests not correctly progressing nor completing. Both via Android device and PC.

Is there anybody else acknowledging this issue?

thanks in advance


This is a known issue. They are working on it.

is there a link to the known issue? thanks

The progress is counting, but you must relog. I hope they fix it soon

Here they are. 20 characters.

I hate the way they word this. It sounds like since there is a resolve, they won’t fix it properly.

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Same here. Have to log out and back in and not getting gold from wins


Yes “only visual” NO it is very annoying and many Q can not start because I do not click for revards/continue, mercenaries for example simple you do not have a visual…

If game count all properli but screen is BLACK it’s too ONLY visual bug??? don’t stress have a holiday

It may be a “visual-only” bug but is extremely annoying and prevents tracking of quests.
I’ll stop playing until it’s fixed.

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Same here - logging in and out is rubbish

Same problem, still waiting for fix

I thought by today (Monday) they might have at least be honest and told us there was a concern? I have loged out and in twice and staill this did not fix it. So I have all these adventures to get but no way of knowing I have recieved my daily goals? I hope the Tuesday or Wednesday updates will correct this.

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Bumping still because it’s going to bother so many people for so long.

Same here, mission aren’t even progressing. Just buy the season pass couple of days ago… It’s kinda frustrating.