From time to time I’m making a thread about the current translation errors in the german version of this game. I checked the list of errors and I was very surprised how many of the old errors have been fixed. Not just game affecting errors but also little ones like unfitting card names and grammar errors.
So thank you very much for fixing these errors. The current translation is nowhere near the horrible localisation of the Badlands expansion back then.
The errors belows are the ones which currently remain to be fixed.
Death Knight
Demon Hunter (1 card)
- Rhythmdancer Risa/Rhythmustänzerin Risa
Issue: Missing point after the Rush keyword.
Fixed version: Eifer. Nachdem Euer Held angegriffen hat, kehrt dieser Diener auf Eure Hand zurück und setzt seine Kosten auf
Hunter (1 card)
- Furious Fowls/Garstiges Geflügel
Issue: The card text is imprecise and gives of the impression that the summoned birds are only Immune during the duration of the spell while they are attacking and not that they themselves have the Immune attribute permanently.
Fixed version: Wählt einen Feind. Ruft 2 Vögel (3/2) mit ‘Immun beim Angriff’ herbei, die ihn angreifen.
Mage (1 card)
- Blazing Accretion/Explosionsartige Vermehrung
Issue: The card text is misleading. The german version sounds like as if the 3 top cards are destroyed and THEN fire spells and elementals are drawn.
Fixed Version: Kampfschrei: Vernichtet die 3 obersten Karten in Eurem Deck. Sind es Feuerzauber und Elementare, dann werden sie stattdessen gezogen.
Paladin (1 card)
- Trust Fall/Vertrauensfall
Issue: The card description says that Attack and Health of the minions are SWITCHED and not that the stats are gained.
Fixed version: Entdeckt zwei Diener, die (5) oder weniger kosten. Beide Diener erhalten die Werte des anderen Dieners.
Warlock (1 card)
- Dark Alley Pact/Dunkler Gassenpakt
Issue: Missing comma.
Fixed version: Ruft einen Teufel mit Spott und Werten, die der Anzahl Eurer Handkarten entsprechen, herbei.
Warrior (1 card)
- Abyssal Bassist/Abyssischer Bassist
Issue: Missing point after Life Steal.
Fixed version: Spott, Lebensentzug. Kostet (2) weniger für jede Waffe, die Ihr in diesem Spiel angelegt habt.