Current State of Hearthstone

I don’t come on the forums much, but this is my first season hitting legend and while I’m really happy to have finally hit it I still feel like getting there was a chore more than anything. To me it feels like there‘s way too much RNG right now with cards that have really impactful discover or random effects, and some matchups feel like they’re almost solely decided by card draw.

Guardian Animals druid immediately comes to mind when I think about “not fun” in the meta. Playing a game where the outcome is pretty much entirely based on your opponent having overgrowth/GA in hand just gets old. If they do have it the swing turn (more often than not coming as early as turn 4) is so strong and almost always decides the game right then. If they don’t play it early, you more often than not just kill them and know your win came down to luck which isn’t really fun at all. Not to mention the clown fiesta also present in druid with Ysera’s randomly summoned dragons from randomly shuffled cards with Overflow and Kael’thoz/SOTF.

I’ve played since 2018 and I just feel like the games way less fun than it was back then. I feel like it’s more of a “who gets crazier random effects or draws super powerful card first” game than strategy now. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy playing the game, I just hope it stays a strategy-centered card game and doesn’t spiral into a total RNG one card wins you the game type deal. I’m curious to see what others have to say though, and if anyone feels the same way. Especially people who have been playing longer than me and/or hitting legend consistently.

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Pretty much what HS is atm and lets face it - it would continue to be that way. Because I guess since KotFT the game started to feel more flashy, swingy and crazy and I guess its what playerbase likes.


There’s a balance between Curvestone and RNGstone.

I feel that 2018 was too curvy with Baku and Genn, but they have gone too far in the opposite direction.

The issue is that it takes a rotation for these things to change.


Part of this is that the deckbuilding is reduced each year due to the classic set not being rotated. so every year hs ages deckbuilding gets less decision involving.


What used to be a fencing match is now rocket launchers at twenty paces.

Agree completely. Almost every deck i play as or against feels like it comes down to who reaches the power card first. Some people hate it I’m sure, but the most interesting games I’ve played in the last month have been priest mirrors.

Druid is definitely an issue. Win rate is not as high as others, but it sure does feel awful to just lose on turn 3 or 4 because they rngd the perfect hand that no deck can answer so early.


I wonder how much playtesting they actually do. I’m sure if they did any they would have never given something like lightning bloom to druid which allows survival to be played on turn 6. Clearly they didn’t play test shaman at all because they’ve had to buff 2 of their cards twice and none of those cards still see play even after the buffs

Forums are on reddit mate, but the rng maybee a tad to much

Just kind of waiting for some new druid ability next xp that give druid 20/10 mana crystals or something.

I just wish fun decks were viable. I started in mid 2019, and back then, when I would make a new deck, I felt like I got to truly test it and see how it plays. The meta is just way to fast. Let’s go over the decks right now. Druid like you said just Ramps into GA every game. Rogue goes face or kills you by turn 7 with a buffed weapon. Paladin gets his Libram reduction or just dies. Hunter goes face.(And the secrets are infuriating, you finally get a minion out to try to deal with it and then you just get freezing trapped.) Demon hunter shuffles soul fragments and goes face. Priest is the only semi meta class with a lot of unique decks, but it’s priest so they’re no fun to fight. Mage is just the worst because they freeze your entire board 3-4 turns in a row and do their stupid OTK. Right now, all of these classes do the same strategy over and over again, so matches are just who gets the broken swing cards first. Meanwhile, Warlock, warrior, and shaman are just complete jokes, which sucks because warlock is my favorite class. Zoo is inferior to the other aggro decks, control/handlock is also bad against aggro but doesn’t have enough value to compete with mage, priest, paladin, and Druid, and Galakrond is trash because all the demons are either dormant or super weak. And my favorite warlock deck, pain warlock, got nerfed because of mana cheat but somehow Druid didn’t get touched at all? Like wtf? And in this expansion in particular, warrior had really cool cards like the ceremonial maul, commencement, rattlegore, and playmaker, but I literally can’t live long enough to even attempt to use them. At least in other bad metas like the dr boom era, you had time to actually try to counter the meta decks, but right now everything feels so oppressive for one player that the “minion on minion” combat this game describes itself as isn’t really happening. The only decks I have any sort of consistency with is rogue, mainly because it’s card draw and damage is completely ridicoulous. I feel like we need mage to drop the rng and freeze cards, paladin needs a Libram nerf, hunter needs an adorable infestation or phase stalker nerf, Druid needs at least one of the mana cheat cards to be nerfed (or stop giving them zero mana cards so kael’thas and the mountseller aren’t brain dead to use?) and rogue needs self sharpening sword to be one less durability. Basically I want the game to be less explosive. I think that 80% of matches should go past turn 10, but that is so rare for me it’s just stupid. It’s not really about strategy at all right now. Anyway sorry for the huge rant, I wanted to vent and this post seemed like a good place. I still like the game, but I wish they would address the obvious problems and nerf cards that aren’t fun to play against even if the aren’t that op. Thanks

*cough sorcerers apprentice

There’s no way they tested Druid. Like if the ramp into guardian animals wasn’t enough, they gave twilight runner stealth. Like maybe you could counterplay and kill It after GA by not playing minions but no let’s make sure there is zero possible ways to lose that scenario