Cupcake card back was never available

I checked the store multiple times prior, during, and after the launch, and the card back was never made available in my store. Multiple players are reporting this issue as well. Attached are links to two Reddit threads of people reporting this.


I can second this notion. I submitted a support ticket two days ago detailing my experience with this. For reference the ticket number is US74915233. I’ve checked the in-game store basically every day when Scholomance was released to find nothing. And even when the Felosophy bundle was in the shop early I did not have a chance to purchase the cardback like others have reported, which can be supported by the link provided in the Support Ticket, which was taken from one of the above threads in the sub-reddit. In case the support ticket cannot be accessed, the picture mentioned above can be located on the second /r/hearthstone link and was posted by /u/I_am_t_walrus

It seems that only certain people were able to access the potential to buy the card while many were not. I would have checked on the PC client and possibly the Android as well but not as likely.


I’ve been messaging support for weeks now about this with no real conclusion. (Ref-US74796581)

I have checked the store multiple times a day since August 4th, both on PC and mobile. It has simply never been available for me. I saw the Naxxramas card back very briefly the day before SA was released, but that was all.

Please can this be properly investigated.


same. i r on pc too.

I didn’t even know this was suposed to be going on yet. I havn’t seen this in the store at all. For me, there are only the basic card packs since I already got the special bundle.

I couldn’t obtain it either, I believed that it would get added along with Felosophy bundle but that never happened.

I also agree. Checked the shop multiple times a day during the pre-release, and never had the card back come up as an option for purchasing. Blizzard should make the card available for purchase again so that we all fairly have a chance at picking it up.


It’s funny how people get upset if they sell it or if they don’t sell it.

As a Whale I want to spend money
Why did i not get the opportunity to spend money ?
:sob: :sob: :sob:

Hey! Want to tell that I also was not able to buy the cardback. It never appeared at the store at all. Even have the 500 gold saved since before the expansion launch


Same here!
The cardback has not appeared in my store…

I have had the same issue; the card back did not appear in the store for me before, during, or after Scholamance Launch.

As someone who doesn’t have the card back and is willing to pay for it, I hope this issue is fixed, or, better yet, another opportunity is provided to purchase the card back.

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The cupcake cardback was never I. The store for me. I would have purchase it with real money. I’ve purchased every promotion since ungoro.

Same here! Never saw it in the store. Never saw a promo when opening the game (which they usually do for new stuff) or an announcement in or on Twitter. I’m assuming Cupcake hasn’t been made available yet, but if it’s been and gone, there’s a bug because I never got the chance!

(Unless this is all a brilliant psych out to convince me to spend 500G on a card back :open_mouth:)

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Same here! Never saw the cardback in the store. Please fix it!

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+1 on the class action.


Same. I log in every single day (so, about once every 24h, give or take only a couple of hours) and have ALWAYS checked the shop whenever it had the icon it was updated, and never had it offered.

I did have a couple of times where I couldn’t check the shop because it was closed and remained closed some random days though.

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I, also have not seen this cardback in the store. Very disappointing.

Same here. I didn’t saw the card back in the store for me before, during or after Scholamance Launch.

Well, although it is not exactly the same problem, I think it is related, so I mention it:
The “Naxxramas” and “Cupcake” cardbacks cannot be chosen as favorite cardbacks.
As the relationship between these two cardbacks is that they have been put in the store, it seems to me that it has to do with what is happening.

And there I read, if it works, is that only those who have previously won the cardback, are the ones who cannot put it as a favorite, if you bought it, you can put it as a favorite.

I Hope they fix it, and also give us a date for the fix, because if every time they add a new cardback to the store, that cardback that we already won we will not be able to use, it will be very annoying.