(Cult Neophyte + Mutanus the Devourer) Vs Mage

So just like every non-mage, I am frustrated, but I am starting to think that on the very slim chance that I can build a deck to combo Cult Neophyte and Mutanus the Devourer, I might just finally be able to beat that deck.

Now the question is, in which deck can both of these be made viable?

Mutanus are useless against most of the quest

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Mage kills you on turn 7 , lets rely on a 7 mana minion to counter it…

Play Quest Druid, Face Hunter , Elemental Shaman ,Miracle Rogue ,Zoo Warlock or Buff Paladin with this card slot in:

This card alone will give you the win against a Quest Mage, its not rocket science half the classes counter Mage.

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Devolving missile says hi and also other aoe crap…

the good lists dont play devolving, and their only aoe is 3 dmg


the good lists actually do play devolving due to how the meta adapted to mage.

it wrecks too many decks not to. miracle rogue, paladin, robes.

that said, flurry also doesnt need targets, the same for ice barrier, the same for spellpower+firesale.

watchtowers + cultist is better though imo.

flurry doesn’t clear board. Nether does ice barrier. the point isn’t to deny the quest but to apply pressure. Spellpower+ firesale doesn’t clean handbuffed robe.

The devolving missile is funny not only most quest Mages dont run it since theres so few minions in the meta for the spell but and heres the winner part every time you hit a minion with divine shield with devolving it still counts as removing the shield for the Paladin weapon.

Enjoy your super buffed minions next turn hitting your face.


Mages in their base deck have literally 2 cards that can clear Robes, and without Spell Damage, they have to play both at once to clear ONE Robes. If that’s not good enough to you, I don’t know what is.

while they dont clear board, they stall.

from my experience long enough to actually matter quite a bit in if they get their t7 lethal or not.

obviously, if you are playing against a pepega that flurries your single 3/5 robes just to progress, then yeah, they lose, but that’s more of a missplay rather than the power of the card imo.

mage doesnt really care about opponents board as long as they can finish their quest quickly, and as a mage you even want your opponent to have 1-2 minions because it gives you targets for frost spells

My climb to legend was like this :

before including RoP against mage : Unwinnable match up, nomatter how well I curve as Handbuff paladin.

After : stomping basically every mage because they can’t deal with the board, so even if they get their quest done by turn 7 , its too late and I have a wide board ready to annihilate them . also prevent them from using cone of cold or brain freeze, thus slowing down the quest.

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As far as i played in legend rank, i dont find handbuff pally oppressive against my quest mage… The one i hate is mirror match as i tend to be disadvantage cause of my build…

Not at all. Once you see your opponent finish their quest, throw out your Mutanus. This has destroyed my plans multiple times so far.

I dont know others but for mage i can save up a spell to trigger it next turn thus denying any mutanus benefit, against wl my dark glare is enough for me to drop my quest rewards again i dont see mutanus benefit…

at low rank maybe but high rank they always finish their quest and play it at the same turn so mutanus is useless really.

Well, someone even posted on Reddit bragging about him eating my DH quest reward minion. He was happy. I was only like… ‘Well, played, well played indeed.’

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Dh quest minion are easier target as your condition need to burst out card so cant really avoid it…

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I do have to say, namely against no minion mage, once you know that minion is in-hand, you need to throw out your Mutanus ASAP. It eats their win condition. Am I being naive from past experience?

I had a Quest Warlock use Neophyte against me and it did complicate those turns for me somewhat. They get more back with Raise Dead. I don’t know about Mutanus because I don’t run minions in my Quest Mage build.