This is really the most exciting news to me. Old Gods had already rotated to wild when I started playing Hearthstone, but I’ve always loved the original C’Thun and tried a few times to play decks based around him in Wild. They’re fun, but just not very good, so I don’t play them often. I expect the decks will be good in Twist but I’m excited to see if the new stuff will work in Wild.
ill try it on a quest shaman deck
they changed the cost to 8 and thats is screaming "heart of vir naal " to me
I have had a Quest Shaman C’Thun deck sitting on my account for like the last 4 years now. It’s fun if nothing else.
Is this for twist? All of these threads about this but I can’t find any updates!
No people are just insane
What are they supposed to do, pin a patch notes thread somewhere on their official forums?
Too much work, I know! I didn’t realize the notes were out yet. Thanks!
That would require having an employee tasked with ever opening the forum website.
They read the forums. A lot of their changes are directly in response to what they see on forums, Twitter, and by extension YouTube via content creators. They’re listening even if they don’t always do what we think is necessary
No, they don’t read what’s posted here. They read Reddit, but not here.
I havent seen anything posted about C’thun here by anyone but this thread and one other being hyped. Nothing official on the main thread page upon opening the forum. I def dont see any “sticky” thread or anything “pinned”. Just the same list of random threads most recently posted in or most posted in threads even if they arent that new. Same Forum as I always see. I know in advance no one has to reply to my very polite request, but in the most polite way I can ask of this, would anyone be so kind as to link to what they talking about? Please and thankyou in advance! If I saw what yall see Im sure I’d have seen it on my own but I dont think I do see the same forum yall seem to.
Have you considered looking at the actual Hearthstone site? Perhaps in the “News” section?
Because that’s where they announced the changes, including C’Thun:
The “News” section of the main HS site is where all of the patch notes actually appear.
And that’s where the official versions appear the fastest under pretty much every circumstance:
It’s coming back for Twist and updated for Wild, but not coming to Standard.
So Twist is just going to be a rehash of the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan meta with Cthun updates.
Basically, Dragons / Cthun / Handbuff / Highlander meta is coming for Twist.
Oh…and Jades. So expect to see Jade Druid and be frustrated that you can do nothing about it.
who cares if its coming back its not going to see any play past bronze rank
Skulking Geist was literally in the same rotation.
A year later, however, and that makes all the difference. Frozen Throne is not in the upcoming Twist format, and Gadgetzan is.

Skulking Geist was literally in the same rotation.
2 expansions later, unfortunately. Mean Streets (Jade), then Ungoro, then KotFT with Geist. We didn’t get Jades and Geist in the same expansion.

Drak Op, Netherspite Historian, Bookworm, Twilight Guardian…all of Blackrock Mountain??? And the new Murazond? Come on…Dragons saw TONS of play back then, how do you not remember the Drak Op meta? And Handbuff via this guy (that JUST got buffed announced btw)
and these 2
All that was present!
No, it wasnt. Not on a large scale. Handbuff was barely relevant at the time, VS will support this if you need evidence. The fact you include Han’cho, and claim “present”, shows your memory is lacking. Never used in any competitive deck.
Pirates were the MSoG meta in a nutshell. Not Dragons, not handbuff, Patches and Co.