Crusader Aura No Longer An Aura?

Since when did Crusader Aura no longer represent as an Aura? I just lost a couple ranked matches today because I utilized Trinket Artist and it only pulled a divine shield minion. Originally, I was like ok maybe Trinket Artist is bugged because it’s not pulling the aura with it…that’s weird. At that moment, I probably should have messed around with it in casual, but I didn’t. I was like maybe I’m just buggin’ and didn’t notice that there were no longer any auras left or I drew it and didn’t see it or something. Well, come to find out after taking a closer look apparently the Crusader Aura card isn’t an aura card anymore and I don’t see anything in the patch notes to denote that card is no longer an aura card? I’m definitely going to stop playing this combination until this gets fixed, but WTF?

This is mentioned in the Known Issues and they are working on it.

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Can you link those known issues? Trying to understand if other Auras are also impacted.