Criticize the game on the forums? Risk of you account being "cursed"?

and get free 5 golden legendary pack?

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I cant tell for sure about the games as i stopped caring about wins or loses on hearthstone and just do dailies as fast as possible and move on to play a different game… yeah the collector mentality in me is keeping me stop playing the game altogether… but i can tell for sure that since i started criticize about the game on forum i have been hitting the pity timer on packs every single time… i know it sounds absurd and kinda pathetic for a game company to do something like this behind your back but it is what it is i guess.

You remind me of the Americans who think the wildfires are not natural and started by the government because the fires stop at Canada when you look at live wildfire data

…but only because they are looking at maps with only US data and if you look at Canadian wildfire data viola there are the fires LOL.

Blizzard is out to personally get me should not be high on your list of reasonable explanations, unless you are incredibly arrogant with a very fragile ego. Then I guess it is pretty high on the list.


It was eaisier to explain when Brode was still in charge, because back then it was vengeance against all who had been jerks to pizza delivery drivers.

I have been reading the thread a bit and I must say it’s very hard to tell apart the actual idiots from the dedicated trolls.

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In my experience, people who distrust others like this, people who assume everyone is trying to get one over on them, are projecting their own behaviors on to others.

While a fragile ego is frequently involved, it isn’t required.

As a total off topic aside that I don’t want to turn into a thread for various obvious reasons, I do want to comment:

So hostile actors are circulating this and other frauds to undermine confidence in the USA and ultimately to destroy it from within. It’s really scary and sad that people can’t spot these things and dig just a little deeper.

I can’t link to the five part document detailing this which was published by a GOP controlled senate committee, but if you don’t know this to be true you haven’t read the evidence.

I have seen people on facebook publish firefighter radio chatter to assert black lives matter protesters are starting the fires in the northwest and
California. In the audio clip, the person talking mentions blm involvement in the fires (most likely containment burns to cut off pathways, but whatever), but people are too stupid to realize they aren’t talking about a social justice movement, they are talking about the USA Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) which oversees federal forests.

It’s a scary time to live here.

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i will take this one step farther, it is my experience that a liar expects everyone to be lying to them. a thief expects everyone to steal from them. most people project their own personality and actions onto others. it is only human to expect others to think and act like us and when confronted with someone totally different it is almost a shock, but one you eventually get use too.

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you said it brother, aint that the truth…
i dont remember the bay of pigs, but i do remember kennedys assisnation and how all the adults acted, there was also 9/11.
i personally think it is scarier now than any of those times. however 9/11 was pretty bad, bay of pigs was worse.

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well, I’m a f2p player so my account was flagged already. Nothing can stop me from stating my opinion anymore.

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lol, not me. There is a quote that is perfect for my view, “I trust everyone just not the devil inside of them.”

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