Criticism of Titans

A) Titans vary WIDELY in power. The Shaman titan is essentially unplayable, the Warlock Priest and DK titans are auto includes in any deck.

B) All titans should be untargetable by the player who played them, not able to be resurrected, duplicated, discovered etc. The same issue was felt, at least for me, when legendary spells were added, and Discover had to change rules because Priest would infinitely play Soul Mirror.

C) Yogg is a heinous flavor failure. Why is his mind control targeted?

While, yes, this is a salt post. I do try to keep my salt with actual criticism. I also understand that my feelings may be incorrect or off base. I’d like to hear what other people think, as I am very stupid.


That is not true. This Titan is extremely useful and versatile and he fits in many archetyps. This card saved many games for me.


Wtf? Lol

Surely you mean excavate rewards.


He’s strong enough, to see Play in Wild.

Shaman Titan is good :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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OP lost to someone using a titan n came to vent, more at 11.

i like using my Yogg to take over my opponent’s Yogg. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

There’s no “may” about it.


Fair criticism. I think the same.

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I got this far and gave up. Shaman titan is one of the best titans in the game


I am not a fan of Titan cards nor Colossals, nor Quests, and were it up to me, all would be gone from the game.

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My problem is simple: If you compare them to other Legendarys of the same price, they just do too much. However, then you have cards at an even higher tier like Boom and Brann. Compared to them, Titans can often seem tame. Brann requires a combo, but the power of it is so absurd, and the ease of pilot mirrors it. And let’s not forget that Boom isn’t the only problem. Want 7 Zilliax with lifesteal? Not a problem.

Literally the 2nd best titan in the game after Aman’thul

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I don’t like Titans at all.

It’s the whole this one card swings the entire game thing and that’s not fun.

I wasn’t a big fan of the colossal minions either for the same reason.

It isn’t like you built them up or did something to earn them even.

I find this one to be among the more egregious ones.

It’s also seeing tons of play now that the meta is a touch slower.

The Shaman titan is one of the best, pretty much an auto-include in any Shaman deck that isn’t heavily tribal focused.
The Warlock titan isn’t an auto-include. Painlock, for example, doesn’t play it.


Although not as flashy as the other Titans. The Hunter titan is pretty much auto include in hunter decks as well.

Shaman Titan is 100% playable though. Three very useful effects and a passive that is the envy of many classes.

It’s literally a must craft for HL, you crazy?

Warlock one is genuinely unplayable in HL meta, it just gets reno’d away.

This is overkill to solve a very easy problem. If someone is trying to do titan copy shenanigans, go under them with aggro and kill before it can start.

I agree, he made more sense when he was a spell cycle payoff card.

I guess we can’t post screenshots but I have one of me up against 7 of my 1 health cloned titans

What’s really weird is when I copy one and can use the powers twice on the same turn that seems cheap

I don’t use titan bounce but the druid titan is the only way to recover from aggro but even then it isn’t guaranteed unless you have a board.

You could have saved 75% of this thread by putting Mage or Rogue instead of Shaman.

But on topic, i like titans, what i don’t like is that some of them really suck.

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I actually like the rogue one, it’s cool and fits in a mech deck.

The mage one is icky tho

I so rarely see Rogue, Pally, Warrior, DH, or Mage Titan that I don’t remember what they do. When I look at it that way, saying Shamen is unplayable is wild.

*Just looked them up–do remember Rogue, vaguely recall Pally and DH.

So, Rogue is at least more playable than Mage and Warrior imo. Perhaps Warrior is just so strong the decks don’t need theirs?

It really is a shame that Sargeras would be such a good control win condition if it weren’t for the Lone Ranger.