Countess and recasting legendaries

So countess is obnoxious enough at is. But then there are legendaries such as romath (spelling?) that can roll off countess that recast the tickets.

This is getting out of hand, that’s 6 legendaries at zero mana. The paladin can literally out value me as a ramp druid off the crap they generate during the game.

Please put a cap on this crap.

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Tons of highroll rng rogues right now. Makes sense they would love rng in other classes.

So story about this pure paladin deck, I’m playing relic fel DH it’s his turn 8 I’m at full health he only has the Countess on board. The 3 legendaries he got were two Crush’s and a Gromm lol. Game.

It’s almost like mana cheating is a problem and things shouldn’t cost nothing.


didn’t we agree and blizz that 0 cost reduction cards should not be a thing, they never learn. should’ve been released with 1 cost at a minimum.

Good, serves you right for playing Druid.

May all your games work like that.

Countess is the only thing Pally’s even have. Most games are over before they can even cast it. Every single class board clears nearly every turn after turn 4, which destroys Pally. They are very underpowered and the fact you’re even complaining about them shows how terrible you are at this game.

no idea whos that “we” you are talking about …but countess condition is one of the most strict the game has

so the minion costing 0 is fine

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VS Report came out today. Pure Paladin is T1 in D1-4, Legend, and Top 1k legend. So saying that Paladin is weak is just wrong.

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Season just started, percentages mean nothing for at least a week. You sniped one sentence and ignored the entire point of the comment. Have a seat Bronze logic.

Paladin is super strong right now. Its like 50% of my matches in diamond. Kills you very fast if you cant clear their board.

Countess on the other hand i almost never see because the game is over by turn 6.

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Patch has been out for a week now, and they have 670,000 games to go off of. Obviously the meta isnt fully settled, but it has been a full week, its not like it just came out yesterday.

Alright, I will go back

Obviously Countess is what is holding the deck together, but the blood package they just got is pretty powerful, and the lightrays with Order in the Court create a consistent turn 5/6 board that is hard to deal with that early.

I dont really know the stats behind that too much, but I would assume a good portion of that is the Paladin winning.

Looking through the top decks, Frost DK and Aggro Mage are the only 2 decks that hard counter it.

Curse Imp warlock is 1 damage short with Abyssal Wave to kill Lightrays on turn 5/6

Hunter has no board clears to deal with it.

Shaman can devolve, but its much harder to do with the lightrays because they become 8 drops

Absolutely steamrolls Druid, they are usually dead before Countess comes down.

Rogue is Rogue, their odds of dealing with it come in Jackpot and other highroll cards.

DH is probably a bad matchup

And Warrior just doesnt exist.

You clearly do not play Pally

Apparently you don’t either if you don’t understand that it is actually doing fantastic right now.

Maybe you should try VS deck list instead of yours because they seem to be winning a crap ton with it.


Yea I’m already legend and all I do is play Pally, nothing else. It’s a weak deck that gets bulldozed by most decks. It wrecks Rogue and Druid, which are both highly played classes, fraudulently inflating it’s winrate.

It performs ok during ladder climbs if you get streaks of certain classes. There is a reason no one ever plays Pally in any tourney setting, it’s a near auto-loss deck against more classes than not.

Bronze logic is rampant here…

Dude, accept the reality that Pure Paladin is good right now. I used it to steamroll my way up to Diamond 5 in a day because it’s ultra consistent and games are over by turn 8 thanks to Countess. Sometimes I do better than that and get a sticky board with Sermon and games end turn 5/6 thanks to Lightrays.

I also took Pure Paladin into Heroic Brawliseum and went 3-0 for the DK portrait against an Evolve Shaman, a Shockspitter Hunter, and a Big Spell Mage.

Pure Paladin is one of the best decks in the meta right now. That’s just a fact. Maybe the meta will shift in the coming weeks but right now, Pure Paladin is on top.


You can’t spell hearthstone without rng.

You’re completely wrong, period. If you’re consistently playing games lasting 8 turns or more, your mmr must be absolutely horrible and you’re playing awful players or non stop Druids and Rogues.

Most Pally wins come early, double stacking Seals or FQ’s with Lightbringer. By the time Countess is played, you’ve either sacrificed your health into death or your opponent will lethal you before you can even use an invitation.

You all said the same thing about Pally last season before DK’s got buffed and Hunters/Rogues were nerfed causing the return of Warlocks. Druid and Rogue playrates went down, removing the feeding classes for Pally. Pally went from high 50’s to mid 40’s by end of season fully exposed by the class playrates. Nearly all of the most popular played decks bulldoze Pally. If it wasn’t for Warrior, Pally would be an absolute joke right now.