Convincing infiltrator

Infiltrator is countered so hard right now in this meta that I, and many others, had to completely stop using it. It’s SO easily countered. Even Highlander Priest doesn’t run a SINGLE one. Galakrond Priest doesn’t run a SINGLE one.

Here we are, 7 months later, and nothing has changed.

You’re getting beaten and upset over a single card that rarely sees any play because it is so easily countered and beaten…so either the problem is that you don’t know how to deal with it and you’re having problems, or that everyone else in Hearthstone is missing some miraculously great card and not including it in their deck because they are all dumb.

Guess which option I’d go with?

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Sometimes the truth hurts. Adjust your game and stop making excuses. The card isn’t the problem here.

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If this card rarely sees play why be so concerned about it’s disappearance. Priest already has far too much removal ability as it is; this card needs to be removed from the standard game at least.

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Because “remove cards due to forum whining” sets a bad precedent. Unless there’s a better reason, cards shouldn’t be nerfed/removed just because people complain about it.


To piggyback off what Madmax said, I’d be concerned about it’s disappearance for the sole reason that people don’t like it. In that case, let’s remove hunter secrets because I don’t like them. Let’s remove Warlock’s plague of flames because I don’t like how cheap it is and unfair. Warlock already has too much removal. This just sets up a dangerous precedence for why we should remove things.

Priest doesn’t have “far too much removal ability as it is” considering that Priest is FORCED to use removal since Priest is one of the only classes that doesn’t have the ability to put together an aggro deck. People keep forgetting this little fact. When was the last time you saw Priest with an aggro deck?

They also have near non-existent draw. When you have a lack of draw, you have to make up for that with removal. Can’t draw your minion that you need to generate answers? Well then, you’ll be needing removal until you get to that draw.

The complaints about a minion with near zero threat to damage face that has a sole purpose of removing an enemy minion (a random one at that) just so the priest can survive long enough to draw their main cards (something the other classes are doing like crazy) seems completely unwarranted.

Like I said earlier in this thread, to which the OP or anyone else never truly responded to by taking up the challenge, is that if you think this card is so powerful, please, by all means, go create a deck surrounded around this card and tell me how good that deck is.

Within a few matches you will quickly find out that:

This card is laughable against aggro decks.
This card is laughable against anyone running Zephrys.
This card is laughable against all other priest decks (it will be stolen via cabal shadow priest, shadow madness, cabal acolyte and zephrys)
To hit this card with a rez is harder than you think because many classes now corrupt your rez pool in multiple ways. If you aren’t playing anything before turn 4/5 to ensure this card gets rezzed, you’re likely going to die.
This card is laughable to nearly all classes.

Please. Go build a deck centered around this card and go watch how all the classes deal with it. The card is completely laughable compared to all the power creep minions and spells that exist now. If anything, this card should now be a 4 mana cost minion because of how bad a shape Priest is in.

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Barnes was nerfed just because of moaning.

Someone necroed this thread? This card doesn’t even always make the cut in freaking highlander decks. Cry more noobs.

According to the patch notes:

While we’re okay with Wild having a higher power level in general, [Barnes] stood out as too consistently powerful early in the game. Increasing his mana cost by 1 will let opponents have an easier time reacting, but still lets [Barnes] retain its identity as a way to summon specific minions early in the game.

So one has to either go by the official statement of why it was changed or just an assumption by some players as to why it was changed. I’ll go by the official statement since it is the exact reasoning the developers give for changing it.

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As you wish but remember: “people lie”. :man_health_worker:

When a card gets nerfed “because of” a card in the future we don’t yet know about, that’s rarely in the official statement…

This may be less of a case with Barnes, but, still, we have other cards now that manipulate summoning things, Vectus, Jandice Barov

So, better examples would be:
Wild Growth getting nerfed “because of” Breath of Dreams
Nourish getting nerfed “because of” Overgrowth
Innervate getting nerfed, so later on they could “print the same card” (with Overload): Lightning Bloom
Ancharrr being nerfed, “because” Corsair Cache was coming.

A lot of recent nerfs don’t even come with any “official statement” :sweat_smile: But they are usually nerfs that more immediately target the metagame, than the nerfs of yesteryear did.

Very true, but this also means the cards aren’t nerfed just because of whining, which was what my point was.

Your “truth” doesn’t hurt whatsoever. Sometimes people just like to vent to other players and instead of constructive conversation they are met with a rude and self-righteous troll. It’s not the game that needs adjustment, it’s your attitude that’s the REAL problem.

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