Convincing infiltrator

By all means correct me if I’m wrong here but I genually feel like this card needs too be looked at…

When it’s getting paired with things like grave rune, and the million other resurrection plays priests seem too have now it feels like it’s way harder too deal with than it should be…

I’ve managed too beat this spammed too death only once and that was only because I got stupid lucky and managed too copy zephrys about 6 times… tbh priests I feel like are getting really really hard too deal with.

Thoughts ?

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sick of rez priest. hs dev team needs to come up with new ideas and not rehash old stuff over and over


Just run some tech agaisn’t it since it is going to be usefull in other match ups as well. Priest is all about denying your board, he doesn’t have a win condition at all unless you push face without lethal in your hand/board.

It can kill only one minion. Not a big deal if you have seven of them on the table.

silence and he lose the infiltrator + the graverune. Sap work too.


Lots of decks have the ability to play small minions on the turn the kill it so that it ends up killing something unimportant.

Grave rune is pretty unnecessary in priest.

It’s an obnoxious deck, but it’s pretty weak to most the meta. I don’t know who these people are that play res priest; why play a deck that takes 20 minutes just to lose the game most of the time.


Convincing infiltrator is not the problem neither is obsidian statue the problem is priest rez mechanics. Even if you silence those two minions they still come back with taunt. Rezzed minions should not come back with their original effects if they were silenced. We also need some way of removing enemies from priests rez pool. Priest isnt OP though, just extremely annoying. Its not fun to play against at all.


I have been saying this forever and all I got was 1000000000 Priest players downvoting when that was still a thing. We need real tech against resurrect not half tech and class locked slow tempo poly. Everything that Pollutes is terrible against anything else and unplayble dead cards at least the Armor tech and Weapon tech is still playable even if its just a meh vanilla minion for example. Even in the res Priest Matchup Pollute is way too slow you often don’t have the time to play your Pollute and clean up the spawns it creates so its a double bad tech option. Even if you do get the full pollute it isn’t even 100% that it works so its triple bad. You made your deck bad against everything else to tech against a matchup and then it doesn’t even work in that matchup. We need a better real tech answer.


I see that card, if i dont have poly instaconcede.


i play mage and have a great matchup vs it but res priest is the only deck thats not fun deck to play against. all other classes are at least bearable, even the hunter that is heavily favored

Silence, hex, poly, sap, zeph > poly, zeph > cabal shadow priest, tokens/lackey spam to negate the death rattle effect, etc etc the list goes on and on.

The problem isn’t the card, it’s the lack of tech that people refuse to play to beat it, and even when they do have the tech, they use it wrong.

Honestly, if you truly believe it to be so powerful, go build a deck centered around it and go play. You’ll quickly find out why the card is fine.


It’s a cancer card, but mostly because most ppl don’t know how to play around it correctly. If you know how to counter it it’s a normal card, but if you play badly around it, it’ll just make you lose the game by itself. It’s a tricky card mostly, and I think it might get hall of fame’d soon anyways.

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The problem are the res mechanics. A minion should never be able to be revived when it’s already revived, because if it’s revived its physical remains and its soul don’t exist anymore (they’re now part of the living minion once again) and there’s nothing left to revive.

Convincing Infiltrator on its own though, including reviving it on its own each time it has died (so no res copies), is perfectly fine.

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Just unnerf Tinkmaster and then they could fix any Resurrect problem. Not sure why this card is still trash tier, but the game needs to revert it.

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I will immediately quit if I see this b/s card, especially if they pull grave rune on top of it. Not fun, not cute, and I’m not interested in playing with any dumbass who thinks it is.

Silence is an easy fix. For one infiltrator. But when they’ve got nothing but a deck full of infiltrators & grave runes? I’m sorry, but I’m not willing to stack my deck full of silence cards just to counter this garbage. I’m here to have fun and play with people who want to have a fun game. But this? It’s just shi++y. I’ll just quit and move on to the next game. But I shouldn’t have to.

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going by your post…seems you are using silence wrong

you use silence on one with graverune buff or reborn depending on your board

you play token or cheap minions and just attack them when they dont have buffs

dont leave it alive if you can kill it with your minions because you dont want them to use grave rune and suicide it next turn


You’re right that Priest has gotten kind of tricky to deal with, but Grave Rune and Infiltrator don’t go in that deck.

Rez Priest is pretty easily beaten once you learn how. In the end, 6 mana to kill one minion is just okay, and the fact that it’s slow to do it makes it pretty underwhelming without those rez effects. And rez effects are expensive, man. What that means is that you should be able to pressure them pretty hard while their removal/board development is too inefficient to really deal with it (unlike Highlander or Galakrond Priest who could play any card at any time).

If they invest 4 mana in Grave Rune, any sap or silence it and they basically spent a turn doing nothing. If they don’t just go wide and pressure them down.

I’ve done that, and it works, but again for ONE inflitrator. The problem is spamming their deck with infiltrators & graverunes and they spread like an effing cancer. It’s a d1ck move.

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