Confused by something

so i got 40-50 packs from doing the noobie stuff. got a free warlock deck somehow. got 10 packs for $5 from a welcome bundle. and generally dusted every card i didn’t need for classes i have no intention of playing and i have 4 really strong decks that i enjoy and am doing well with. why are so many people whining about having to pay? if i was going for tier 1 stuff i could see that. but then you spend money to make your chances greater to get stuff. why do so many people on this forum want to be tier 1 for free? threatening to leave. insulting blizz. these forums are even more toxic than the wow forums. at least there you have to pay money every month to complain that way. this is very strange to me to see so many people complaining that their free stuff isnt as good as someones who dumps tons of money into the game. that’s kinda the point. you play for free to see if you like it and then you pay to be competitive.


People watch hearthstone and assume it’s something they can catchup with off the bat and so they feel the initial struggle with coins/packs etc, then discover the meta

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He can be very frustrating at first to see people playing all sort of cool decks and cards while you are limited to playing a few as a new player. However, it’s definitely possible to be a competitive f2p player as long as you don’t mind the grind and don’t expect to own all the cards.

Because F2P games like LOL have people spoiled rotten.

And because it’s the internet and people are not happy unless they’re whining about one thing or another.

And a lot of the whining comes from established players who remember that the game offered nowhere near as much free content a few years ago.

Exactly. You can very much have a couple of decks if you so choose for free, just have to be somewhat disciplined in disenchanting cards. But for whatever reason there’s a vocal portion of the player base that feels the need to have every last card of a deck that someone took to Top 10 legend, or they’re not playing the game (at all ranks).

For anyone who is spending money because they want to “win more games”, I’d say don’t spend or you’ll just make yourself further frustrated. You spend money so you overall get more of a set, more fun stuff to play with, and “a more competitive collection” second. Though admittedly you may only really need 1-2 particular legendaries per set to get yourself that big efficiency boost, so to speak.

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if you’re f2p you have to dust anything youre not immediately gonna use. i’'m not sure why some people wanna collect all the cards while f2p. that’s an exercise in frustration… lol

I 100% disagree.
I know I’ll never get a complete collection. I’m fine with that. But I never routinely disenchant cards I don’t use. I just keep them.

What I do disenchant?

  1. Nerfed cards, during the period when they grant full dust. It’s risk free because I can always craft them back for the same dust. And if I don’t (or, better yet, if I happen to have excess copies, which often happens because I don’t routinely disenchant cards), I get a lot of free dust.

  2. When I really want to play a deck for which I need to craft a card, and my spare dust is out, then and only then will I go through my collection and disenchant the bare minimum needed amount of cards to get the dust I need.

So why do I say you should never disenchant cards? Well, first … as the meta changes, as new cards are added in expansion, older cards that were considered unplayable and unimportant can suddenly rise to the top and become relevant. Had I dusted them before, then I’d have to craft them now. What a waste of dust!
And second, as already indicated above, when cards are hit with the nerf hammer you can make a lot more dust if you had kept them over when you would have dusted them earlier.

Of course, do not cling on to cards as if it’s the most important thing. The game’s about fun, and if you need a specific legendary to make that fun deck and you don’t have 1600 dust lying around, then of course you should disenchant some cards and have fun.
Just don’t do it routinely. Especially when you want to play and have fun on an F2P account.


I disagree and feel that I don’t see that many players complaining about free stuff. The attacks I see are generally that the game these people play sucks and that Blizzard is evil. And like I said, they still play, which is bizarre. :roll_eyes:

And this.

And also this. Fantastic advice. Disenchant wisely! :yum:


I don’t dust anything (except the 3rd+ card), neither do I pay. The collecting is the fun part for me.

That said, since I play casually, I only expect to reach casual levels on the ladder. If you want to be competitive, then prepare to invest (time and/or money). If you want to be casual, expect to lose to competitive decks often.

I lose, but I have fun.