Confused About Arena

I just played a match against a person who had two legendary minions. They didn’t discover, excavate, or anything that would allow them to find another random minion.

I was pretty sure that you only get one legendary per Arena draft. How is this even possible?

oh easy, they discovered it

i dont believe you


Then why even reply? I never saw them do anything that would allow them to play another legendary. Seems sus to me.

why post lies on a forum?

i cant see air, so it must not exist


If people could somehow hack whatever cards they want into arena why would they only do 1 extra legendary? Some random Legendary isn’t even the best card to hack in if they wanted easy wins. You missed something.

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It was likely randomly generated or transformed in hand/deck from some effect and you missed it.

I dunno. Maybe only one card to not seem obvious?

You probably missed something that summoned a random minion to the board and that random minion just happened to roll legendary. Like a Crystal Broker played on 10 mana and rolling a 8 cost legendary as its random 8 drop.

he went first, so he had an advantage, thus could discover one extra card, which was a legendary. going first = win!

There’s hundreds of threads every month from people claiming they’ve been cheated, and they have always been proven wrong

If you want to claim something like that (for the nth time, btw), next time post a replay