Why did blizzard just not make so Concierge ready this way. Druid does not care about the manna cost when they can ramp over 10 manna why you sit less the whole match.
Your cards from another class cost (1)
because they never intended to kill the combo deck only tried to weaken it a bit
same reason as not changing lamplighter to damage only minions
That why wrong with HS and it will die because team 5 soon it hang in by thread as it is. The last expansion had worst sale yet.
They aren’t going to destroy a deck they created to be in the meta and do exactly what it is doing. What they failed to see is that by allowing that Zilliax deck to be a thing they pushed out a bunch of decks that could compete with the Druid deck. They adjusted that in the last balance patch and allowed a bunch of new decks into the game that play for the board. That SIGNIFICANTLY reduces the power of the Druid “OTK” deck. If you are still playing a deck that doesn’t play to the board and you are losing to OTK druid it’s because that deck is targeting you.
This would cause a million new problems.
So rogue have a new ultra poweful tool?
I was just on reddit and there’s a post going with the “we are not the same” meme picture, where the guy’s like you tourist for breeze, I tourist for tsnami
Now imagine a 1 mana tsunami druid
And they can use their legendary to repeat it in 3 turns
read this part again, but now slowly.
Maybe instead one make so nothing can about below 0 cost to stop otk from druid then.
honestly I’m a bit suprised we didn’t write (but not less than 1) while keeping it at 3 mana