Concerning Mech Hunter

I dont ever write forum posts but the outrageous nature of incompetence on Blizzards end has left me no choice.

First of all… Anyone that wants to compare blessing of kings to magnetic has no firm grasp on the game or how it is played. There can only be 2 copies of Blessings of Kings in the deck where as magnetic is unlimited and may as well read charge because Blizzard has once again decided hunter needs a way to win by turn 5.

All of that aside, how you could ever think that if you can somehow manage to win the board and not be dead by turn 5 there is a 7 mana 6/6 body that comes with a complete board clear there is no coming back from, thats ok…

I have been around since beta and I have witnessed irresponsible expansions, carda, etc but I dont think I can remember something as aggressive broken as this deck.

  1. No hunter mechs should have magnectic, period. They have too many mech tokens and if you clear them, they actively kill you… What genious at Blizzard thought this up?

You cant have a class that has ridiculously strong early game and damage potential and also give them the best board clear in the game.

Seriously, who was the QA guy or girl that passed this? I want to know who played a couple games against thos and was like… Ya, no, thats fine.

Stop making broken cards. Stop making broken interactions or people are going to stop playing your one relevant game. People are sick of it. Fix it and dont do it again. Thanks.

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Another hilariously bad troll post, good try though. You’ve got the “I’ve been playing since beta” line, you started a list of things but stopped at 1, that’s pretty funny. But it’s a 7/10 for me man, too much salt at the end.

If you had any idea how to play Hearthstone, you would of saved your breath. This post isn’t for you, its for all the real people that play the game day in and day out.

Go find a magic shop next to the 7-11 near your moms basement and tell them what a pleb I am in outrage.

Nobody is directly comparing BoK to Magnetic. We’re comparing buffs in general to Magnetic and using BoK because it’s an easy example.

First of all, this is 8 mana. Second, there are several counterplay options in silence, transformation effects, silence, hard removal, silence, rush minions and silence. This is also not the best board clear in the game.

We get it, you’re bad at the game. Your tears are pretty tasty though

And by the way, I’m completely sure my rank, both peak and current, is far better than yours, before you say I don’t play the game. I play the game, almost certainly significantly better than you do