Completed every class in Heroic Dalaran Heist and Tombs of Terror

After being disappointed with Ashes of Outland single player, I’ve returned to Tombs of Terror and Dalaran Heist. I’ve now completed every level with every class, in Heroic.

Dalaran Heist boss kills
(44 would be the minimum if you beat every boss on the first attempt)
Druid 60
Priest 82
Paladin 88
Shaman 92
Warrior 96
Rogue 98
Warlock 107
Hunter 126
Mage 135

Bear in mind I played mostly with Anomaly Mode active, which is generally easier than standard mode. For example I finished Druid so quickly because the Druid token deck benefits greatly from many Anomalies (eg Spells Cast Twice, Spells 2 cheaper, Minions grow by +1/+1 each turn)

Tombs of Terror
(32 would be the minimum if you beat every boss on the first attempt)
Bran 69
Elise 73
Finely 77
Reno 78

To be honest I don’t think the total boss kills means a whole lot. For example for the Mage on Dalaran Heist I had a couple of really close defeats on the Kirin Tor Citadel that set me back. If I did it again the order might be totally different.

Main ways I might have completed these runs faster (ie with fewer boss kills)

  1. I enjoy playing out a bad deck and seeing how far I can take it, if I was really gunning for the fastest possible win I would abandon bad decks.
  2. Single Player really brings out my inner Timmy. I can’t resist those packs of high cost Legendaries. I often died with a hand full of Yesera and Ragnoros.
  3. I never bothered to learn (or research) which bosses had board clears like Brawl in their deck, so it always took me by surprise and destroyed quite a few runs.

Most common ways I won:

  1. Get a mana cheating treasure (Robes,Goggles,Scepter,Dice,Vigor) or Anomaly (Cards Reduce in Cost every turn) and build a heavy deck
  2. Abuse Double Battlecry or Double Deathrattle (either as a Treasure or Anomaly)
  3. Copy a powerful card in my deck (x3 at tavern or Duplatranmog) like Elder Taggawag. Especially if combined with double Battlecry or Deathrattle
  4. Pick an Class/Hero Power/Deck that combos very well with a particular Anomaly
  5. Anomalies in general (the AI does not understand them and can’t build a deck around them)
  6. You can win with just a generally lucky/powerful set of card buckets with no particular synergy.
  7. Some of the Tombs of Terror Hero Powers and Cards can almost win runs on their own they a so powerful

There are other fun, more unusual, ways to win but those are the most reliable IMO.

I’ve also finished Dungeon Run and Witchwood at least 7 times with each class. But those adventures did not have Heroic Mode. Rakastans Rumble is the only “Dungeon Run” content I haven’t rinsed completely. I found the totems too swingy to be fun.

Thank You Blizzard for these terrific single player experiences. I stopped playing multiplayer after the first expansion, but continued to get great enjoyment from your game long after by playing single player.

Now, can I be bothered to do it all again with random decks? I think I’ll take a break first. Back to Monster Train.


Same here. I have all the crowns for all the single player content in easy mod and heroic.

I wish they would add more because since Tombs of Terrors all the new adventure can be completed fully within a couple of hours without any real challenge.

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Same here. The Plague Lord of Murlocs is 10x worse than the others - I just finished a run where I had Alchemist’s stone, Disks of Legend, Sr. Navigator, and multiple Lyra the Sunshards. Didn’t matter, he got 7 murlocs, rolled 3 chargers, and body-slammed me. I kept trying to draft taunts, but I got 4 total - not that it would’ve mattered, as he can shuffle all 14 minions into his deck at 0 cost, then immediately get 48 damage with 7 mana, and still be left with a full board.

I love both of these modes as well. On normal mode, I have won with every class, deck, and treasure as well and I still really enjoy playing it.

I wish they kept making this kind of content instead of the lame play-one-and-done stuff that’s been coming out after tombs of terror

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