Complete Match Failure

After the most recent patch of the most recent patch, Hearthstone is straight-up failing to create games, over and over. The match startup process eliminates the cancel button almost immediately, far faster than normal, and, with the same undue speed, pops up the label describing an extended wait time. Obviously, this is a disconnect and you are already assigned — and are automatically losing — a match, but restarting Hearthstone with either a soft quit or hard restart won’t drop the match: instead, you’ll be trapped into entering a “match” with a gameboard with no heroes and no decks where the base menu options are available and nothing else.

Again, what’s notable here is the consistence, persistence, and the recent nature of the phenomenon. This wasn’t happening a month or a week ago with this regularity — but, in my experience, it was happening on Battlegrounds around 50% of the time for several months after the first month of its launch, though the “cancel” button didn’t so rapidly disappear back then. This all suggests that this is the result of a recent change.

I strongly suspect that these two persons, who had similar problems in Arena, were suffering from the same problem.

Due to this disconnect problem, and the still-existing end turn/discover bug, I’d suggest starting a test game in casual or brawl (so long as brawl isn’t a gambling scheme that week) to see if either bug hits before playing for “real” (if not simply leaving Hearthstone be until Blizzard can fix this).

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have you checked the technical support forum? they can help you identify what the issue as its not necessarly the game but it might be an issue on your end.

I have the exact same issue as the OP. The game is becoming more and more unplayable every patch (literally); the end turn/discover bug was just the start of it.

The part you may have missed here was –

After the most recent patch of the most recent patch

My hardware, software, and connection have not meaningfully changed in the time period described above. What has changed is a) the frequency of the match disconnects and bugs associated with it and b) the number of reports of the same. It is less conceivable that multiple people all changed their technical specs all at once, forgot about it, and then experienced the exact same bug right after Blizz patched the game than that the patch simply broke something. On top of this, this sort of instability was, as mentioned, a significant aspect of Battlegrounds months ago, but it ceased after – and one may have guessed this – a patch from Blizzard. We are well beyond coincidence on this issue.

there are plenty of things that can have happend which is why its useful to use their help. i had an issue last year where the game showed issues after a patch and it turned out a driver was outdated and after updating the driver everything worked again.

this happened to me several times yesterday i thought it was my connection but my internet was fine

So is this never going to get fixed? Now you can’t even return to your match properly; the only thing you can do is concede.