Collection Zayle still "missing" even I own him in golden version

Hey, I´m owning golden copy of a Zayle but If i type “missing” in the search bar in collection, It´s showing that I´m missing that card. It shouldn´t show that, because every other card I´m owning in gold and not in normal copy is not showing when searching missing cards.

I can´t somehow post links, but if you delete the spaces in the link below, you can see what I mean.
https ://i mgur. com/a/sU2zALi

That is the way missing keyword has worked. Missing takes only the pool of craftable cards. The golden Zayle is uncraftable so it is not included. Therefore the result is to show you the regular Zayle.

This happens with another card in Wild.

You can include external links by surrounding it with the Preformatted text </> tag.

3 Likes Oh didn´t know that, thx.