Cliff diving doesnt always return both minions at the end of

Currently, playing big demon hunter, when you play cliff dive and pull illidari inquisitor and all terain voidhound, if you attack an opposing minion and kill it, one of the two minions you summoned stays on board while the other shuffles back. This hurts the second copy of cliff dive by allowing your opponent to destroy one of your big minions.

I believe this hurts the opponent more than you

You would think, but it actually gives control decks a target to kill and in my. particular build you run a limited number of big creatuers, so targetss being killed hinders you later burst.

Which basically kills the debate
I’m by no mean contesting that the card is currently bugged, but if it wasn’t and worked kind off like Proving Grounds, it would be a deck building risk
Even without that, every deck that relies on drawing specific cards while other specific cards remain in the deck, while running only a few of them, takes high risks by design