Classes Using Other Class Cards

I know this isn’t new but my most recent match just had me reflecting.

Why have class identity anymore if the lines seem to be blurring more and more?

Is the tourist gimmick just another kind of duel class arena but constructed?

I use to hate Priest copying my entire deck and playing my cards better than me (recent match wasn’t Priest in case you thought this inspired my post). Rogue’s can burgle and use pretty much all class cards anyway. Dual class cards started in Scholomance Academy. It Just feels weird now that every class can constantly dip into other class cards more and more. I feel like this was Rogue’s and Priest’s thing as an identity, but not so much anymore.

The game is more aggressive with card mana costs costing less and less.

I play casually as an FTP’er. I was going to buy this set but no new board was too much. I don’t blame the devs, only the higher ups. I wonder if the class blurring, fast game play is from the higher ups also?

Just reflecting.

Because class identity as people imagine it is a really bad design that make the game get no depth at all.

The entire concept should be rethink but tell that to simple minded people is the recipe to blackslash.

So they just prefer to do the correct thing and be treat as “incompetent” while making that extra buck.

Your takes never fail to miss.


Heroes are taking a vacation from their identity. They put on some glasses so you don’t recognize them.


I love mixing classes in HS kinda like MTG does with mixing colors. I think the idea of tourists is pretty great.

We have 11 classes and we aren’t some game like magic were you’re supposed to mix cards.

How you expect classes to not get so specific that the game turns turn a gigantic amount of overspecialized decks?
This is why the game is getting dumber and dumber. Overspecialized decks do one thing and one thing only therefore you could even put a monkey to play it.

Class identity should should be about how you do something and not about what you can do or not.

Your decks revolve around spell synergy.

The gameplay revolves around minions and buffs

Will do almost anything but their cards will usually have a drawback

Let’s get how everyone would get draw here and still unique:

Get a spell for the draw

Does it via a minion effect.

Draw any way it wants but the card will have a drawback like discard,break a mana crystal or whatever.

This is how class identity should be handled from here onwards. The rest is BS.

We’ve been over this once again.
This is literal gibberish.


Not only it isn’t giberrish but to some extent it is in fact happening.

The only difference is that thanks to people like you being 100% stuck in not understanding the issues with hearthstone devs have just to pass it onwards and take the critique instead of openly telling it.

They’re bluring it for years on purpose and they know they are. The only people pretending here is some really old dinossaurs who could not grasp a different concept even if their lives depended on that.

At one time they had a mechanic to keep cheating cards into play relatively fair. Why aren’t there more cards with Overload on them that cheat mechanics? It doesn’t have to be solely for Shaman cards.

At the very least ANY ramp card should have overload attached to it.


I don’t mind that for one expansion…one lol.

Actually, if this was the first time for a class cross over, I think I’d be more for it because the novelty would be new. I suppose the team is trying to find ways to keep the game fresh, I get that.

The Game Director and producers have at least something to do with it:

Screen Rant did an interview ( and the Game Director said this:

Tyler Bielman: … The board, turn over turn, is very different, as opposed to a lot of other card games, where it’s a steady state of building and building and sort of edging people out. It’s part of what makes Hearthstone exciting, this sort of explosive reset every turn that gives you a different puzzle on every turn.