Classes need be nerfed

Hunter , priest , DK , warlock , shaman

More like your privilege’s to post needs to be nerfed.

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Why because wanting to try to hit Otk or scam decks takes away the fun of Hearthstone. True Midrange, aggro, and control none existed in the Hearthstone formate.

I decided to both like and flag this. Calling on other people to be banned is bad manners, but on the other hand opening post is spam due to lack of quality content

What are your proposed nerfs? I agree (if it’s your point) it would be great if all classes had a 50% w/r across the board, but you can’t just nerf the decks you see the most of just because you’re bored of seeing them.

They wait for Vs report to nerf.

Btw I miss calculated hunter. I thought they will be countered after a week and decrease winrate but I was wrong.

Hey, @Monsterparty, how are you doing? I haven’t seen you in awhile. I’m glad to see you’re keeping with tradition! :grin:

Countered by what? Unless you are scamming giants with Warlock or Rogue or turn 4 you can be dead turn 5. That Hunter location is ridiculous, that dog summon is ridiculous and to top it off they have Saddle Up. So unless you are lucky to be playing DK and have Threads you are dead. But then you are playing DK so you obviously have more problems to.worry about :rofl:

Good news, @Monsterparty!

I saw that and hope this fixes the decks that are holding back all the others from coming forward. I would love to see mid-range, and control see some play again.