Big shout out to class identity.
Stop making priest identify with the thief mentality .
You can’t be a priest if you lie cheat and steal.
Leave that to Rogue.
Feel free to add other offensive identities that don’t align with their classes.
Sure you can. There are Holy Priests and then there are Shadow Priests. They raise the undead and gain power through various dubious means.
They already exist and are the top of the meta.
Just saying.
The what now? Priest always did that. Remember thougt steal?
Class identity doesn’t really exist anymore hunter outvalues priest in standard.
Those are not Christian priests. They are Warcraft priests. They have Shadow priests there.
true. you can play holy only spells if you don’t like it personally but the opponent has the choice to play shadow. Sadly, I guess, if you would want Warcraft priests to be real life holy priests but oh well.
And Warcraft people who main priests, are often into shadow. If they are healers: they must use both disc and holy priest specs if they are good and disc is sort of “shadow” in part.
PS unlike Hearthstone: there having a “main” makes sense, because you have to grind again if you want a new class to raid or PvP.
The main core pillar of Priest identity is the ability to inflict an existential crisis to whatever poor soul matches up against me.
If anything all is according to plan, damn i love Priest so much.
And then you die to aggro, every single time. No time for Aman’Thul.
I never got the whole murloc shaman thing. I’ll admit I dont follow world of warcraft so mabye theres some lore to that but why are murlocs into shamans… or paladins for that matter
Murloc shaman connection comes from the Rock pool Murlocs Worship Neptulon. They think he is the only real god of the sea.
The Paladin connection was entirely created by Ben Brode at the inception of Hearthstone due to play design. They just fit best in the Paladin class theme at that time. It’s now just a hold over from a lost era of HS.
Interesting to know. I sort of thought the murloc paladin thing was because paladin was sort of the alliance factions shaman so they ‘mirrored’ the whole murloc archetype between them.
Priests are a healing/buff class. That’s their identity,… or was. now they are an aggro rush class because blizzard has lost their way to power creep. Now most classes have been force to abandon any identity in order to survive. There is no priest class
I don’t know what you’re talking about. Lying and stealing is par for the course.
Priest steal cards since day one of this game.
The only priest identity is to be the greediest player in the game. There is a reason aman-thul generates a legendary every use. Priest players would rather lose the match than lose the value game.