Choral Mrrrglr start of combat buff not activating

When playing Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos. I noticed that the Start of Combat stat gain on the card: Choral Mrrrglr was not activating.

I was running the “Summoning Sphere”- lesser trinket paired with the “Colorful Compass”- greater trinket that gives murlocs.

The Lesser trinket summoning was activated normally, but neither of my 2 Choral Mrrrgrl’s didn’t activate the Start of Combat stat gain.

I happend to record the moment:
Hyperlink to youtube video
The bug can be seen at 0:58 of above youtube video.

JUST had the same bug. Was playing duos, i had the lesser trinket “Summoning sphere” (summoning Oracle tier 7 murloc) but i had Faceless-copy greater trinket.
Choral did not buff.
Allways happy to loose a game…