Choose One Mechanic bugged

I’m trying to play Twist format and there is a bug with the Choose One mechanic where it freezes the gamestate and I can’t do anything except hear Malfurion say “I can’t do that”, i can’t even emote or squelch the opponent. I’m not sure if it’s a new bug but it’s making it very hard to climb ladder as I miss out on multiple turns resulting in a loss, it’s happened 3 times today all with different Choose One Cards on PC.


I am getting the same bug whenever I use Primus in standard mode (not sure if other titans trigger it since I mainly use DK). My game locks up and I can’t do any other actions until I reset. basically have to skip a turn if I play him right now which makes it un-useable.

so until the fix if you play a mulligan choose one or titan you should restart the client as soon as possible.

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Yeah it’s making it difficult to play Jade Druid but I think Fendral Staghelm bypasses the bug, I’m not certain about other cards that give both choose one effects but i currently have him in my twist deck.