Cheater with several WILD class cards from other classes

Hey there, I’ve encountered a weird individual which ran a Paladin deck with certain class cards from all the way from Descent of Dragons… in current STANDARD format.

He first played Primordial Explorer, which is a hunter card. Among the illegal cards he’s played are the following: Reno the Relicologist, Elise Starseeker, Reno hero card from Descent of Dragons, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, Reno Jackson, Finley from Sunken City, Emerald Explorer.

So tell us, Blizz, not even standard is free from the terror of illegal deck hackers? First Duels, then Twist, now should we expect Standard to face the same fate? How do they even perform such feats?

Is Wizbang deck, not hack, not illegal
pay attention and you would know what is happening in the game


You missed a quite big animation at the beginning of the game

Legendary · Minion · Whizbang


what is your iQ? do you have problems reading?

Why did you bother posting a bug report, when you obviously can’t be bothered to pay attention to what happened during the game

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missing something can happen to everyone. dont act like you are immune to that. the guys error in his understanding of what occurred was explained. its literally just about every other thread in bug reports usually…

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the reaction isnt because he missed something is because of the "cheater " bit on the tittle and "illegal deck hackers " on the post

youll notice people dont react the same way on other similar threads without any of it

people laugh at the OP and think he’s stupid because he can’t even read the letters written on the cards

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I normally am not looking at the screen of every single moment of a match, especially the very start of one where the initial draw phase and or mulligan section. Once Ive made my selection and await the other person I am not normally staring intently at the screen, especially if I am not going first, that time is usually used to select something to watch on the tv, or continue to if I was already. Its completely normal and understandable to miss something like the animation of the whizbang deck announcement. I understand to look at the recent history bar upon my turn starting tho so I tend to catch up on those missed details. I dont expect everyone to do so tho. Nor do I expect everyone to stare intently at the screen every second of a match. Thats an absurd bar to hold anyone to. So it being understandable how the whizbang announcement can easily be missed, it isnt unheard of for players to use external software to allow illegal cards in their decks. When we still had Duels there was a week or so of just that happening. It isnt an unrealistic claim given the recent history of the same thing happening in another section of the game.

I get you super hardcore too cool for the casuals and too awesome to not reach legend each week might think all this is absurd. But Im just being realistic and holding people not to a pro’s bar of expectations, but an average person’s.

A person can be wrong and then corrected without being ridiculed in polite society.

A person can calmly and collectedly come to a forum board and not spew toxic “Cheater”, “Hacker”, Blizzard is a failure for allowing them on Standard with illegal deck as well but he didn’t did he.

Although it is not unheard of for people on ladder to use illegal cards, currently no known ways around their checks(at least publicly that I’m aware of). It happened with Twist because of the plan to put more decks in at the start of July allowing such wide arrays of deck codes that hackers found a way to make their own “decks”

What is next they can start coming in complaining that their opponent has a 1mana hero power or start the game with a better hero power and that is cheaters/hackers in hearthstone


But, if something happens in the game that you can’t explain, and you know that you weren’t paying close attention, perhaps running to the bug report forum should not be your first instinct.

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It would be for me. Either it was what the initial thought would be (possible hacks being used) or a correction and explanation of what else it could be. Either way the answer will be forthcoming in the thread. Its not a terrible plan for figuring out if I just missed something completely out of nowhere I’ve never seen or heard of before (therefore its reasonable in my mind that hacks or other exploits are being used). Until I get feedback from the community with their collective knowledge then either possibility are valid. I dont consider that toxic. Reactionary sure, but not toxic. Punching up into the nebulous void of an anthropomorphized Blizzard inc is not the same as someone punching down on another actual person for their lack of knowledge, or attention paid, etc.

I had my Whizzbang moment before, not realizing it could be used in Standard, but yes he does exist and causes this confusion if you aren’t paying attention at the start

Maybe YOU wouldnt make this thread the way the OP did. But that doesnt mean everyone else wouldnt either. Clearly. Their mistaken assessment of what happened is more than a reasonable circumstance to merit the thread starting the way it did. But being mistaken doesnt make them toxic. It just means they are human. We err. We err all the time. To say otherwise is to deny being human itself.

I love these threads. Consider how few people feel the same who do not take the time to post. They just report in game as they assume their opponent is a cheater.

If you are reading this as a player, consider the reporting system and the way it can be abused, and be sure the person you’re reporting is, in fact, doing something worth reporting