Cheap deck for a standard player thats wants to climb wild?

It does not have to be good, my wild collection is limited, i hit legend too early in standard and do not want to grind against the best players.
Just want something mindless to grind…


Miracle priest, Aggro pirate DH (barely needs an adjustment coming from standard), the firewalker (or whatever it’s called) mage

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The absolute cheapest thing I can recommend that seemed to be working for me in wild is copy priest + Harvester of envy. Everything else I got, even just the murloc deck has at least 5 different legendaries, so not cost effective for fresh meat at all. Harvester’s all you need to get started with it just fill the gaps with whatever else you think is worth cloning or would keep you alive.
Second best recommendation? Play Whoever you already own a quest for, pick a tribe and see if you can make that quest work with that tribe, that’s how I learned Star Slime Shaman works just as fine with murlocs as it did with pirates, possibly even better so

I would have to believe that is going to be something aggro related. Probably pirate?
Even with a limited Wild collection you probably have a couple of the pirates for a wild deck.

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