its odd they said this but they are nerfing to 9 mana because of how much stronger is the mage prime compared to other class primes…and shamans one
well it isnt one of the best ones
its odd they said this but they are nerfing to 9 mana because of how much stronger is the mage prime compared to other class primes…and shamans one
well it isnt one of the best ones
ok, so the shaman prime might get a buff then?
They hinted they were taking a look at shaman.
shaman really needs some help right now
Well the 22nd isn’t far away:)
I played 3 times Solarian Prime today and all 3 times it didn’t play against the opponent but it destroyed me by different ways (worked like a box that its spells destroyed me). Does any bug happened because of the nerf? It worked always in favour of you against the opponent’s deck in the past and that’s its meaning!!!
To my knowledge it hasn’t been nerfed yet. Just HS RNG giving you the business.
Its allways risky to play the Prime when the opponent has an empty board ,lost count on how many times it backfire on my own minions not to mention the times it decides to overdraw loads of cards or even reach fatigue damage.
Theres plenty of ways it can go wrong (casting the same secret multiple times, multiple Ancient Mysteries and Conjurer’s Calling it will allways target the opponents minions first).
The opponent’s empty board shouldn’t affect the cards cast, right?
if your opponent has an empty board all the Spells that target minions will be cast on yours Arcane Breath,Brain Freeze,Ray of Frost, Icicle,Combustion, Polymorph and Rolling Fireball will all backfire.
Lost count on how many times it ignored the hero and cleared my own board, i have way better luck when i use it againt 2/3 minion boards.
Solarian kills the enemy board, then proceeding to kill yours too is a frequent issue.
Also, solarian casting CC as the first spell, then going “my job here is done” by casting 4 sidequests in a row, or 4 secrets or whatever.
People are vastly exagerating how powerful solarian is as fo late, it’s also a very risky play. I can count on the fingers of a hand the really good Solarians i had.
I’ve never liked the card and all I play is mage. It reminds me of a better Yogg Box.
The Evocation nerf hurts though. I wish Blizzard would give mage something that is straight forward again. I’m sick of them giving us slot machine cards that everyone complains about until they are forced to kill it and once again leave mage with relatively nothing. HL gets complained about just as much and this nerf will probably force all mages back to it, at least until we get new cards.
It was pointed out elsewhere that for those who don’t happen to have the dust to alter their decks appropriately after this nerf (and who knows what’s to come) are really being punched in the gut. Or to create an entirely new deck.
It’s shocking how often problem cards are released from a company with ActiBlizzards resources. How about some QA before releases? Oh, i forgot. Its free to have the player base QA for you.
Stop acting like Blizzard is the only one with this problem. WOTC has broken MTG with nearly every new set in the last year, requiring a ton of emergency bannings. Given that those cards don’t get refunded (at least in paper), that’s a much more severe problem than anything with Hearthstone right now.
Who said I was pretending they are the only one? I never said that. Also, I agree about MTG. I used to be an avid player but I stopped spending cause it got too expensive. WOTC are greedy like ActiBlizzard, probably even more so.
Thats no reason not to complain. There are several companies out there that value customer satisfaction highly, like Apple, Nike and much more.
Blizzard stinks against these companies and there is every reason to mention it. Especially in situations like these.
Will I receive my dust back for crafting this card? 1,600?
Yes. Full dust refunds will be given for both at least for a limited time.
my evocation is golden
full refund lasts 2 weeks right ?
I have a regular one, but I got it from a free pack so