Celestial + Loatheb bug

Hello ,

in one game I had a weird interaction:

hsreplay . net / replay / qngr8rQ35Kko8QxrKx6Fn5

On Turn 6 I played Loatheb to make enemy spells cost 5 more… but they didn’t… but when I played Neophyte next turn, it seems like it worked just fine.

I don’t believe this is intentional, though nobody could explain to me anything else than “probably bug”. Could you please look into this?

Thank you!

No idea why you put those weird spaces in the link. Makes it much harder to copy/paste it.
For other interested people: https://hsreplay.net/replay/qngr8rQ35Kko8QxrKx6Fn5#turn=6a (this also goes directly to the correct turn)

After watching the replay, I agree that this definitely seems to be a bug. Probably caused by an interaction between Loatheb and Celestial Algnment (that you played in turn 4). Since Loatheb was played after the Celestial Alignment, the Loatheb effect should have been applied after Celestial, so all spells should have cost 6.

Cheers mate,

the spaces are there, because otherwise I wouldn’t be allowed to post it :slight_smile:

Is there some way to forward this to Blizz so it can be patched one day? (sorry, I’m new in this)

Thaks mate!