Causing Tsunamis to Legend

It doesn’t. I have a solid win rate against pain lock and pirate DH by not going all in on the combo.

I’m sacrificing percents in almost guaranteed win rate matchups for improvements in the bad ones that can easily get under the current BSM lists that are very one note.

Also, I can run orb in it, which is amazing for the decks that are trying to kill me via controlling the normal max of 4 tsunamis.

Under the sea and Surfalopod are just bad cards.

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Im not convinced that either of you know how to play a deck perfectly. You enjoy analyzing more than piloting and he can be somewhat delusional with his takes xD.

Plus i feel like reading a thread co authored by you two would be as unbearable as the VS report was xD

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I’d trust Altair on an article of how to pilot the current aggressive warlock decks at a near perfect level. There aren’t many people on earth that do that specific thing better than him.


True, true

High praise as far as I’m concerned. VS isn’t doing it for free

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I haven’t seen it, but it does seem like he knows his warlock gameplans

I meant your thread, but to be honest, more often than not i really do enjoy your posts

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At this point, Skyla isn’t even my biggest concern in BSM. I’m honestly wondering why I didn’t see more BSM before Skyla because maybe 1/3 of the games I lose to BSM are due to Skyla. The rest are cards in their kit that already existed. I don’t think BSM is going away even if they make skyla unplayable.

In my eyes, the most problematic card beyond Skyla (assuming she is the main problem) is Conman.

The way that sea shill ramps and conman provides replays is more problematic than Skyla in my opinion. Skyla is just the more obvious flashy play to complain about

I was playing BSM for about a month prior to this (minus Surfalopod and under the sea). It was definitely playable before the mini set.

You are correct, the major boost to the deck is Conman as well as metal detector. Skyla is good, but she isn’t creating a new thing the deck couldn’t do before, just 1 turn faster and almost twice as likely.

The rogue cards made a big difference to the win rate though.

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Metal Detector and Sea Shill allow for another line to a turn 5 Tsunami/Volley. Conman gives it the reach to go past the 1st pop off turn. Skyla is insanely powerful and can outright win a game, but those cards being added to the list are what pushed its power level. Those saying Surfalopod and Under the Sea are bad are very wrong in my opinion. With Metal Detector you can turn 4 Surfalopod into turn 5 Under the Sea. Rolling a good minion off Under the Sea can just be instantly game ending.

Tech cards always have a niche that makes them better win rate, but I imply the context of the niche is often gone. But I respect it if you have the level of skill to adapt very fast; e.g. tech carding bit the butt of handbuff paladins last month; they used the mana nerfing cards against the concierge druids and rogues but it turned out after only a couple of days most people stopped playing those decks so the tech cards became a drag.

Yeah, they are always meta dependent. You have to be flexible with them and recognize when to drop them.

Heat wave is amazing for targeting things that are trying to get under mage right now.

If those vanished, so too can the heat waves.

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I was considering instead of teching up to just change decks, I mean it in the sense it’s probably more powerful to follow the rules of the relations between “aggro/combo/control”; e.g. if you want to farm the fast aggros then play control; then you don’t have to micromanage the decks themselves.

E.g. this month I was playing a combo deck that takes about ~8min to do its thing (the slow side of combo decks); not that great against a spam of fast aggro mages (they easily win even if they do mistakes); instead of finding tech cards against them it’s probably best to just change speed.

↑ This is silly talk.
No matter what rank is being considered, Skyla is hands down the best card in the deck, according to both mulligan and drawn winrate. And the second best card in the deck, by both mulligan and drawn winrate, at all ranks, is Surfalopod. No other cards come close.

Shill and Conman are both good cards for sure, but King Tide is clearly stronger than both.

Most decks that give real trouble to big spell mage also rely on spells to their plans.
Just run the tech against mirror that is cult neophite and speaker stomper.

Actually i think that the stomper is probably overdoing it.
Neophite on curve mess the curve of so many other decks that i really see no reason to tech anything else.

Against reno druid for example you make they need to wait to play malfurion’s gift into ramp. Making it significantly weaker.
Not because there isn’t other ways to deal with the deck but people didn’t catch then up yet.

Skyla and king tide are better in the sense that you need them to cheat out the big spells to get the deck going. So you kinda need one or the other to get the ball rolling

sea shill helps to get the gameplan going a bit faster and conman is a powerplay dependent on cheating out a spell first.
These cards are dependent on having a way to cheat out the big spells, but the utility they provide help to speed up the gameplan(shill) or provide refill to close out games(conman)
They surely help the consistency of the deck and i feel personally provide more utility than they should be able to, especially with the way they work in Rogue

Metal detector enables skyla so i see the point smeet is making about it

I was suprised to see sea shill was much lower in the mulligan winrate than i expected considering its “prep on a stick but better” basically when played in mage or palidan

The point is that you’re doing it backwards.

“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.”
— Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, via his character Sherlock Holmes

Data first, theory second.

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She is definitely an insane enabler, and it makes sense given how geared that deck is for the scam play.

And yeah, her doing that on turn 4 is just crazy (which gives her insane mulligan stats).

What I meant earlier is that if BSM just got Skyla, it wouldn’t have been anywhere near as strong as it is now.

The problem is that it’s not strictly better. Needing to invest 3 mana for it makes shill really awkward to play in many situations. I cut her in my list.

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There’s also the nontrivial fact that Conman, Shill, and Metal Detector wouldn’t even be cards in the deck if it weren’t for Skyla.


I agree, while experimenting today, I kept taking one or two Shill out of my deck, but I would later add one or both back in. I still have not made up mind about Shill’s importance to the deck.

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