Casual Queues Taking 7+ Minutes

My queues for Casual Standard are taking 7 or more minutes on average. Is anybody else experiencing this?

I play casual sometimes to test new ideas before bringing them into ranked, for weeks now every single queue is taking a minimum of 6-10 minutes. Also half the games are an afk opponent, someone who concedes instantly or people that rope every turn when they start losing to grief their opponent-- mainly someone named Sansui. So basically you can only get a real game every 15-20 minutes lol.

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Do you play both ranked (seriously to rank)? If you don’t there’s no much point, casual has less XP and it doesn’t give credit to achievements.

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I don’t have this problem. It takes around 10 seconds for me.

I’ve heard casual tries to (automatically) separate players, e.g. between those playing only standard cards or only wild cards. Maybe they try cards that are too rare or something (maybe cards both banned in wild and standard).

Im pretty sure casual has MMR matchmaking like ranked does although I suspect its far more ‘forgiving’ about mmr matchups but still leads to high queue times if you’re of a high rank as it ticks down the mmr list.

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Following my last comment, I’d try to see if the problem goes away with a very typical standard deck. It might be related to automatic pairing based on cards in the deck.

I played casual the other day to try an amalgam shaman deck I thought about and it took a ridiculous amount of time too. I guess it has mmr matchmaking as well and not a lot of high mmr people care to play casual.

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I can’t bring off meta decks into ranked its a guaranteed loss. Have to play them in casual.

Not how the Casual queue works. MTGA casual queue does that, Hearthstone does not. And I’ve been playing mostly casual for a decade now due to the slightly more varied decks from opponents.

My wait times are like 3 minutes, but you never add me when i send a friend request we play all the time these days xD

I’ve never received a friend request from u

Strange. Maybe its a connection issue on my end. Win or lose i try to send them cause i recognize your name. Im usually playing highlander burgle rogue. I only added the dirty rat because i see quite a few infinite decks lately and my deck is slow and greedy most games unless I hit some wombo combo

Yeah idk I’ve received them from other people lately so it’s not problem on my end. You should check your sent friend requests and delete them all, or make sure you are appearing online on battlenet when you send them. Could resolve the issue. I know 2-3 people that have had this problem where their friend requests don’t work.

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Yea ill try that later when i get on. Pretty sure i tried to add JacktR too probably the same issue.

Im the gold Maiev skin guy if that rings any bells lol

Btw the san dude you mentioned is a notorious roper. He ropes every turn and must be super salty or something xD

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If you have sent many friend requests, the system clogs entirely. You have to go outside the game and in the app and remove pending friend requests from there.

Another win for indie company, though I’ve seen worse.

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