Casino Mage sucks

Yeah I have seen this list going around but I didn’t know who made it.

The reasoning is probably that the list needs 2-drops to go with Greedy Partner, and Frozen Touch is a nice frost spell that is also good face damage to go with Sif. I believe the list is good in a meta with low aggression like the top-1000 where you are mostly trying to target warrior and rogues, but in lower legend you need better answers to early boards.

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You’re funny.

Playing an entire archtype made for gambling and thinking you can rationalize out of the gambling aspect.

That Sif could literally be the extra transformed card you need to win.

This is the problem with trying to transform it in rainbow mage.

I’ve had luck with the deck even without the sunwell xD I just got it today thanks to Minami

I went 7-2 and gave up after 2 unlucky losses

Not even once did I manage to use Sif as a finisher. Once it was a decent taunt minion on the board, tho xD

Will try later on for real with the sunwell

I had the biggest ever personal win streak on rainbow mage, it’s only fair I beat it with casino mage now (13 wins in a row the 1st day I took the deck in Legend)

Not what happened.
I simply explained to you that taking out Sif will make the deck Tier 4, trying to refute that with this :point_down: as proof is a bit …

As I said above, not all Spells go face and not all Spells create big boards.
It’s extremely likely that the generated Spells will not be enough to close out a game.
Therefore you need Sif to seal the deal.

I appreciate you trying to think outside the box, but the only chance Sif is being cut, is if the deck somehow turns Aggro.

In all fairness, I had a huge WR with this deck the past 2 days but I have been doing quite badly lately. Probably because the meta I am seeing now is a lot more aggressive for some reason. Maybe warrior is falling out and this will make the meta take an unfavorable turn for this deck. We’ll see

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This also.
The deck doesn’t have the removal needed to survive even a moderate amount of Aggro.
That’s definitely another notable problem I faced while playing it.

It needs to be less passive.

Take the coin stuff for example.

We need things to ramp into so the coins are for some use when not transformed.

The entire try to capitalize in the spell school aspect is wrong deckbuilding direction.
Not only Sif.

Probably all of the above

we got:

a) learning curve
b) meta transformations
c) rng factors (it’s casino mage after all xD)

I wish I could say I liked it as much as I liked rainbow mage when I tried it, but I don’t.

It plays much more differently. It’s much more board control oriented as most of the random spells you get are board oriented, instead of burn or draw oriented. The deck having 20+ cards same as rainbow mage is where the similarities end.

P.S. Norwis_ seems to be abusing it the most, I’ve been watching him for hours today and yesterday, he doesn’t stop playing it and winning with it

P.P.S. He’s 37/30 currently, 55%

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