Cards that gives more mana crystals should not exists

I am tired of seeing 15-20 mana crystal druids and warriors.

It is not fair or fun for opponent. Either opponent should get 1 crystal also, either way those cards should not exists.

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Apparently Blizzard’s Devs ignored everything we learned when Wildheart Guff was a thing in Standard. It’s bad enough to give them ramp, as getting mana crystals faster than the opponent is already an advantage, but making that advantage permanent is idiotic. Then again, we’re talking about the same crew that thought giving Warrior Brann and Boomboss was peachy.

they leanred peoiple complain just to complain about something so they gave us ramp again

they learned that guff on release
because people constanly cried about “tweeeenty mana !” ignoring the most broken decks in the meta for months

and a year later when guff decks became competitive thx to nathria they realized the real issue was the full mana crystals guff gave us not the max mana increase

proven by the fact the deck took a hard hit when they changed guff to not give us full mana crystal + ramp
they learned cards allowing ramp + max mana increase shoudlnt give us full crystals too so they made sure new heights

didnt give us full mana crystals…

In wild my druid opponent has like 8 mana crystals when I’m on turn 4. It’s really stupid. The mana cheat is rediculous.