Cards not drawn, possibly frozen UI

This bug appeared for the first time when I was playing a wild match on my Android phone, and it happened as the following:

  1. I played Frost Litch Jaina.
  2. Two turns passed and I had minions on the field, my opponent (Priest) used psychic scream.
  3. I had 6 cards in hand before, and continued with 6 cards after I was supposed to draw a card.
  4. Cards that were supposed to be drawn take space in my hand but the card count doesn’t go up.
  5. I played a minion from my hand and passed my turn, then I wasn’t able to interact with anything when my turn came after.

I don’t know how to include pictures as reference…

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Very similar thing happened to me 10 minutes ago. Windows computer, EU server, Prague time, wild casual. My hand is empty. Opponent played scream and immediately passed. One of the creatures stayed floating above the deck for little bit longer (half a second) with its image being bigger than before. Then my turn started and the draw didnt occur. I was left with empty hand just as i was turn before. Next turn again - no cards in hand.

Same thing happened to me just about 15 minutes ago, opponent played psychic scream on curve, one of my minions was laying flat on the deck for a split second, then I “drew” cards, could interact for the following turn or 2, then I couldn’t use any cards and it started to auto skip my turns, all while my opponent could play totally normally, continuing to swarm board and destroy my face. Only button I could interact with was concede. I would upload the few screenshots I have if I could find a way to.

The Psychic Scream issue is well known and affects all (?) cards which shuffle cards in opponent’s deck. See:

If you encounter again an issue which prevents you from playing, you can force-quit Hearthstone (Alt+F4 in Windows) and restart it right away to return to the game in progress. This should clear the invisible cards from effects like Psychic Scream (though future draws might still have the same problem).

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