Thought I’d be positive in the new year and I wanted to highlight one card design that I think is somewhat in line with what Heathstone should be (as opposed to what it is.)
Kil’jaeden, while probably overtuned, is a card that leads to more player agency. Here is why I think so,
The card requires making a judgment/decision on when to activate it. It is not a card with JUST an upside, it HAS a severe downside, which is it replaces your deck, which is likely full of removal and other cards you may need at some point. So you need to have gathered enough resources from your deck to be confident you can survive for your minions to overwhelm the opponent.
It leads to board based play. Minions are traded, stolen, etc, but no one minion is a power outlier, even Unkilliax is not strong enough to stop the horde of demons.
Some of the random minions require thought to play well. For example, there is a demon that steals a card from your opponent (when is it optimal to play?). There is a demon that bounces a minion back to hand (when is that optimal to play? Usually you can combine it with the 15/15 clear minion for strong board control.) There is a demon that creates random secrets, etc, etc. Overall, the minions are not themselves just bodies and have some powerful effects that require thought to play well. This ends up feeling like what arena SHOULD feel like (but doesn’t.)
Overall, I’m surprised I missed this card this expansions, I only crafted it recently, but keep up the good design on cards like this.
The only downside to this card is it can be punishing in a mirror-like control MU where one opponent drops Kil’jaeden much earlier than the other and just wins due to a higher +/+ buff per turn. But alas, nothing is perfect.