Cards from card packs

I keep getting card packs and opening them and getting some cool lookin cards for certain classes and all classes. However, when I play the game in multiplayer and single player the cards are all the same and I never get to play the new cards I get. Is there something I need to do to be able to play them or am I just doing something wrong? Anything helps. Thank you

You need to put them in a deck. You go to your collection and click on the deck of one of your classes and you can add or remove cards that you own. Some cards can only be used in certain classes, though.

You need to build a deck with those cards to access them; deck building is access in your card collection. It’s the hero menu on the right of the screen, scroll to the bottom to find the build deck option. Pick a hero and build your deck from their (premade recipes are available now too, so it simplifies things).

Hope this helps.