Cards disappeared?!


I would really need some help with this one… some of my cards disappeared but I cannot even tell which… I had quite the collection but just discovered at least a few which I am absolutely certain I had… among which Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Akali the Rhino, Don Han’Cho, Blackhowl Gunspire…

These are a few of the top tier cards in the warrior class. If these have gone missing, I really doubt this happened only to warrior cards and considering the time and even money I’ve invested in this game along years I’ve played I want my cards back.

I’m not sure what evidence to provide as I don’t stream but I do have some saved screen shots, hopefully some with the above cards…

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



Later edit: cards are gone from all classes. I don’t even have Ragnaros anymore. Confessor Paletress, Vol’Jin, Anomalous, Lyra, Chameleos, the hunter quest. All gone. Wtf…and I’m only half way through… Please help. :expressionless:

First things first. I notice that all cards you mention are cards that are available in Wild only, not in Standard.

By default, the game only shows cards that are available in Standard. So can you please check the expansion selection in your collection to make sure you are looking at “all sets” and not just at “standard sets” ?

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Hi BigHugger,

Thanks. They are indeed wild as I’ve been playing most frequently years back. I’ve since remained a wild player as I don’t enjoy standard mode as much…

Since my previous edit I’ve found a whole lot of cards that I know to have previously owned which have disappeared and since these are mostly legendaries I can only assume others are gone too. Do you know if this is a common issue… ?

Thanks in advance!

L.e.: oh, and yes the filter is set to all cards no issue there. I’ve checked from the crafting section to make sure I see them all, too. I really wouldn’t have the heart to melt useful legendaries so I am absolutely sure I didn’t melt them for the dust or anything…

No. I’m a regular player, just like you. I like to hang out in these forums, but have no knowledge beyond what’s publicly available.
There is one other recent topic here from someone with a similar experience: Missing dozens of cards from my collection

Nobody on this forum has access to player account data. The only Blizzard staff who might perhaps be able to investigate what happened, and fix errors if there are any, are the Customer Support staff. I suggest you create a support ticket.

Thanks, man! Will do…

Feels like being robbed or something. Sad to say it might be worth saving a video with all of the collection from time to time.


Hi Lecter and thanks Hugger for watching these posts and for bringing us together.
I’m pretty sure that if more people would check it would turn out that this is an issue caused by something in their system from a previous update or something.
As for support - I’ve written in my post earlier that I’ve got basically the same reply from a different support person. I’ve basically begged them now to escalate the issue to someone who can look into the issue.
Hope you have more luck than me Lecter and let me know how it goes.

Thanks, Torrex.

If you’ve faced the same issue then I’m pretty sure many others have too. I really don’t think there’s anything my system could have done but this really does need fixing.

I’m worried not many will notice some of their cards are missing soon but if it’s a global issue it smells like the death of HS if a solution isn’t found.

Cheers & good luck!

I don’t think they will ever say it’s something that they messed up. This bug would have to affect I think at least thousands of players to even consider doing something. Unfortunately support has sent me exactly to this forum so we’re in a closed loop it seems - support sends us to the Bug Reporting forum → but no one here answers our posts.
I think we have to raise awareness about what is happening with people’s collections but I’m not sure how at the moment.