Card health amounts and why (Wild)

So I play Wild Secret mage alot.
The deck has had couple of critical cards nerfed,
while other classes have similar cards with far more health, and I wondered if anyone had a real reason for why?

My example here is Cutlass Courier. Run in every Pirate Rogue as far as I know, with a 3/2/5 body.
Secret Mage has a similar card in Costumed Singer 1/1/1.
I get why the attack was nerfed, but why only 1 health, when a Rogue card (that does the same thing, from where I stand, ) gets 5 health?
Is it because Singer is a dual class and too much health would make Hunter too good?
At any rate: I don’t understand how the designers decide on health pools for cards.
At a layman’s glance, it seems pretty arbitrary.

how are the cards ur talking about even related


One draws Pirates, the other draws Secrets.
Seems pretty similar to me.

I mean sure if you want costumed singer to cost 3 mana and have a condition attached it can be a 2-5.


So, the condition is attack, right? Rogue has wicked knife as it’s HP.
So you play the pirate card on turn 3 or sooner, and then it costs two mana to draw a pirate each turn. So you can play a pirate and generally summon patches as well on your first turn after this, playing two 1 cost pirates while also hitting face…

So singer gets played on one, draws a secret, and then you cannot play that secret until turn two in wild at earliest, with kabal lackey. Singer gets killed immediately, if your opponent isn’t bad at this game, so what you get is one secret for two mana, with no board, and no face damage.
(Which you could have played naked without lackey at three mana)
Compared to what rogue can do with their pirate cards, seems pretty unequal that their draw card would have so much health.

I don’t even understand what your complaining about
1 mana 1/1 that does a targeted draw is strong by itself
A mana point is worth a bit more than 2 points of body stats
for 2 more mana you get a targeted draw with 5 more points of stats
The added condition is not really what allows the stats, but it’s what allows to play the card on the turn you draw it
“but rogue can just hero power then the draw is free”
sure, if you consider wasting 2 mana for a 1/2 weapon in wild being free

1 mana minion is not equal to 3 mana minion
what a shocker


I can explain. A dev is thinking long and hard about what to do with Mage cards. The initial thought is to buff but lo and behold. They log into the hearthstone forums and read your threads.

A slow grin develops from ear to ear looking exactly like the Grinch.

More nerfs happen.

True story.

10/10 reply.

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If your point was the 3 mana 2/5 pirate is overstatted for what it does, you’d be right. But Blizz does not care about any sort of stat budgets of balance anymore (and haven’t for a long time)

Cutlass Courier is 10x worse than Costumed Singer.
If Costumed Singer had kept its 2/1 stat line, it would have been the most overpowered 1-cost card ever. Even as an 1/1, it’s good.

But yeah a more apt comparison would be the 1 mana 3/1 pirate that also deals 1 damage. All of that immediately for 1 mana, compared with the costume singer being a 1 mana 1/1 draw a 2-3 mana card you may not even want to play or may not even be helpful in the current state of the game because all you did was play a 1/1 for 1.

O_O cant believe it

mallen …
is suggesting to change costumed singer from 1mana to 3 ? maybe it should be nerfed
if even the mage zealot thinks its OP

I am not complaining.
I am asking.
There is a crowd of players here who post every day, showing their deep knowledge of the game, and the reasoning behind card stats, so I wanted someone to explain them to me in this instance.

True trolling

ok, so the card might be overstatted for what it does?
Please explain why?

But why is this true? Please explain the reasoning?

I haven’t suggested any change.
I am asking a question to the people with more knowledge in the hopes of learning.
Please stop making untrue claims.

Because it’s a tutoring card, and tutoring cards cost more

One example is the 2 mana 1/2 draw a weapon

As you can see, because it draws a specific card, for 2 mana you get only 1/2 stats

That card is even weaker than a custom singer, since it only draws one card, while custom singer can, at least in theory, draw more, and it still sees play in every weapon-dependant deck

So yeah, that’s why


Thank you for explaining, as opposed to others here just being jerks.
I have to say, this hasn’t been my experience with the card.
Anyone who doesn’t kill singer on their turn is worse at this game than I am.
I still don’t really get it as every pirate rogue also runs cutlass courier, and their HP is attack, so they are guaranteed at least one pirate as well.

For 5 mana… not for 1, as you are with customed singer


But 1 mana gets you a three mana secret, which you cannot play until next turn with Lackey? That’s four mana on the next turn, right?

edit: nope, I’m wrong. I see it now. Turn two: 1 mana lackey and 1 secret for 1 mana.
Thank you for teaching.

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Also, it takes 5 mana for rogue to draw a pirate, she also has to pay mana to summon a pirate, so it’s the same thing

Not really worth entering any deeper analysis, this one xD

There are many other less clear-cut stats over mana ratios in this game which I’d be willing to discuss more xD

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I like learning, and I appreciate your taking the time.
There is a pile of people that simply belittle others who ask questions, and make false claims about them, and then try and complain that the OP’s are spamming, when the truth is they themselves are trolling.

Do you have some examples? because I would love to understand card stats better than I do:)

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Okay Gorams it’s a wrap, you’ve been granted the highest possible accolade by the great Mallenroh, you can retire now

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What do you mean explain why? I can’t explain why Blizz is either incompetent or negligent or whatever you want to say they are. If you have played hearthstone for 10 years like I have then you will already know why it should be a 2/4