Can't craft Chromie in Mercenaries!

Hello Hearthstone community. I have this problem. Before 2 days i get tokens enough to craft Chromie. She need 300, but i have 364. When i try to craft her, she apear with animation and all, and when try to finish crafting she just return in crafting mode. Try couple of times, and resoult was same. Even reset game, but no… Please, help.

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Same here. Actually I have this bug on two mercs: Chromie, and Sir Finley.

I was successfully able to craft many other mercs, but these two always play the animation and then remain uncrafted.

Thankfully, it does not use up the 300 coins.

I am curious, do these mercs appear in packs? If so, maybe I’ll just have to open them in packs if the bug never gets fixed!

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Good point. I’ll try to buy it to. Finley i have it, but i think from packs, but i’m not sure…

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Me too! 618 Chromie coins and 317 Sir Finley coins! They summon and then go right back to blue ghost form.

Can confirm Sir Finley will not craft for me the same as the others.
Goes through the motion - allows me to choose to craft - shows the animation - returns to blue ghost mode.
I do not have enough coins for Chromie to verify.

Was this bug ever fixed? I’m still having this issue.