Can wheel of death nerf in yog in a box spell

It’s bad enough that the mage class just straight-up trash the spell cast 90% of the time to destroy the whole deck.

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Lol serves mages right, for all those free casts you deserve an awful cast.

so just mage has spell mage class trash wow at least the mage doesn’t make game trash. going face all the time like the rest of this game and making board plain useless.

I don’t have much to add other than to say that I suppose it’s the cost of doing business. Any cards that cast random spells are always a bit of a crap shoot. Sure you get a lot of value, most of the time probably in your favour, but once in a while it backfires.

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They should rework this card entirely. Who thought spell mages want the entire payoff of their deck be a yogg effect? Seriously stop slapping casino slop into every mage deck.

It’s actually important that we have cards like Wheel of Death. Does it seem like it always casts the card whenever you play Yogg? Sure. But that is because we are in a 4 expansion set meta as of right now. As more 5+ cost spells get funneled through the year, the least likely Wheel of Death will be cast. So technically, the card does theoretically get better as the year goes on, unless for some reason they print bad 5+ cost spells.

Besides - Casino mage in my opinion should never be an archetype that should be tier 1 ever. It’s designed to be fun, chaotic, and goofy I can’t imagine people really enjoying ladder if Casino mage didn’t have any clear downsides to it.

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This. We’re talking about a problem that literally solves itself if no direct action is taken.


well, all they have is that it’s not the mage player’s fault warrior, paladin, hunter, and Dk can counter-mage fine but gut mage trash still. The meta just mess with nothing else playable but everything trying counter warrior but it will be months before it fix.

There are plenty of players who are basically just cultists of Yogg. And that group has some Venn diagram overlap with spell Mage enjoyers. I am not a Yogg cultist so I’m not him, but their fun isn’t worth any less than my fun.

That said, just because I don’t resent the Box for existing, doesn’t mean that I don’t want other cards more suited to my play style. But I really don’t see what purpose hate serves here. Let the cultists have their card. The solution here is buffs not nerfs.

And as I already mentioned, deck will naturally self buff over time.

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Yes? Hello? I’ve been summoned

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I was literally thinking of you when I wrote that

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So thoughtful, thanks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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While I will admit that mage is not in a good spot, and it is one of my favorite classes to play. This still is not a good argument for having to buff Yogg in a Box. All we can really hope for in mage is that they release more buffs that will help the current archetypes. Otherwise we are pretty much at the mercy of whatever patches/expansions that are coming this year.

at best: 8 mana board clear
at worst: 8 mana destroy your hero

that’s all mage gets except getting its tier 4 decks nerfed.

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I wasn’t hating on whoever enjoys yogg. It’s fine that cards like Yogg exist and that casino mage is still supported. I actually enjoyed casino mage a few weeks back when they buffed it. The problem is that this is a payoff card for an archetype most, if not all, mage players are fond of. Having it be some lolol hypercasino card that doesn’t even target enemies is a very narrow approach to designing something that is fun for different players. If some players want this, that’s ok, but this interest is opposed to mine. This card could have been a base card without the no-minion bit, so no minion mage can chose to run it or not. Either that, or print more compelling/worthwhile payoffs for no minions mage so there is more to choose from

This actually touches a bit on the whole agency theme. I think increasing agency is a nice aim for them to pursue with balance. But most of the lack of agency is really coming from the design department and they are the ones that should really internalize this. A lot of agency in HS starts in the deckbuilder and this card to me is an example of that.

Just because you are X and not Y, and there is a card designed for players who are X and Y, does not mean that their interests are opposed to yours. The card wasn’t meant for you and that’s okay. Stop being jealous.

If they are only planning to print one payoff card (other than the 4-mana spell and the draw engine which are more support than payoff), then yeah this decision turns a deck I am interested in into a deck I am not interested in. You’re being a little contrarian with this I feel Scrotie lol. It’s not jelousy, I am just saying this design space is unnecessarily narrow and that I don’t like this payoff. I don’t expect they’ll ever redesign it, but I do hope they print more payoff cards for no minions mage so I can just dust this hot mess of a card. That’s just my opinion.

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Do the stats even show that its correct to play that 4 mana ‘spot the difference’ spell in no minion mage? I feel that the card is so bad that it isn’t even correct to include in a no minion mage deck.

Casino mage has always had downside cards… That one warlock card that discards the deck was always the lowroll. The last thing they need to do is turn yogg in the box into a ‘win now’ card by making it a guaranteed highroll card.

Well, you don’t make it highroll, but you definitely need to justify:

a) the condition of not running minions, and
b) 8 mana expenditure.

As it stands, you have to be trolling and meme-ing to put that in your deck.

You do NOT want such a card as a part of a win-con with such drastic conditions if it can kill you more often than never.

We’re not talking about a 1 mana tendril here. It’s 8 mana + build a deck around it.


I mean the spell is not all that materially different from playing a charge of the yogg location and I think someone did the math showing yogg location casts mostly beneficial spells. I do think they should redesign it to somehow be an aura that casts something over 2 or 3 turns, but much like any other ‘casino’ spell I think there should be a backfire built in to keep the card honest.

Removing the lowrolls so its most likely to cast 3 sunfire volleys, scourge, and table flip everytime would be undesirable, although after playing with the card a little it usually casts that 8 mana resurrect all beasts spells more often than anything which I think is the lowroll compromise.