According to the HSReplay website Nebula has a 64.1% deck winrate in arena, 3.3% higher than the next card which is Exarch Hataaru at 60.8%. It has some pretty highly strong 8 cost minions in it’s generation pool, among them:
- Splitting Spacerock
- Kologarn
- Mish-Mash Mosher
1 of those is a highly sticky minion, and the other 2 are instant answers to threats (and very good ones), and you can get 2 of each!
On top of that, they gain Elusive for some god forsaken reason, which narrows the amount of cards that can remove them significantly.
I’m in utter shock this card hasn’t been balanced yet, it’s not like it’s popular in Ranked decks which would make it abit sensitive to touch.
I can offer a couple solutions that would make it less of a nighmare to deal with:
- 9 cost, discover 2 x 7 cost minions with taunt and elusive
- 8 cost, discover 2 x 6 cost minions with taunt and alusive
Any of these options would be preferable over the current completely overpowered one.