Can we compare the old and new ranking?

It’s more cutthroat, but I’m fine with that.

It accidentally awarded me an extra star during the conversion, I feel a little guilty about it.

I think the doubling of the stars for win streaks is a bit ridiculous, you can really skip ahead fast if you get a hot streak.

Part of the revamp also changed the matchmaking so you’re as often as possible always matched up against others with a similar (hidden) MMR regardless of your Rank.

If you mean the bonus multiplier, It is not just based on the rank you achieved, but also on what your MMR was at the time of conversion.

according to the rewards at least, I would rather have a random 2 gold commons and a gold rare for rank 10
than 7 classic normal rares and classic packs.

Your monthly rewards are from the current expansion, not Classic. The Classic packs are just first-time rewards for hitting floors.

The rares/epics are also random Standard ones, not just Classic.

I got everything Classic for the first time hit level rewards (I am only missing Legend).

However I am very happy because of the no triples I got a lot of the newly added cards.

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haha I had the exact same questom! first time platimun 10. And first time rank 10 you can say :smile: