Played three games in your godawful, unbalanced, netdeck ridden hell game.
Got to 10 mana in each one before they start roping, slowly, picking away at my SANITY. I can’t win. I’ve lost. But I concede and GUESS WHAT? IT DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS MY QUEST!
So I have to be roped? Over and over? By toxic people I can’t report? Just so I can get your intolerable quests done?!
This isn’t “fun and interactive” If I lose, and I have played to ten mana, I DESERVE THE RIGHT TO CONCEDE, THANKS.
While writing this…I am being roped already at 3 mana. Yay.
Bring back duels so I can at least have fun while being roped.
EDIT: Game was bugged, quests did count, needed to reboot, I will stop having an aneurysm now.