Can Control Hunter become a reality in Standard



:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:
I should have known!


When they say combo they imply it’s “heavily combo”. A typical example is excavation packages since they take the entire game to progress. If I drop a buff on my minions I’m also practically comboing but that’s too simple to go into that category etc.

Those terms will never be very descriptive no matter what because the decks are just too complex,

only looking at all the cards individually is the full deck description.

Spell Hunter was kind of control-ish. Part of being Control is having armor. Healing. Infinite board clears. And not the whole world whining that Hunter has things and does stuff.



Explosive Trap has. Not. Changed. Like at all.

3 mana for 2 damage to all minions is archaic compared to what other classes get. People threw massive temper tantrums when Rexxar released.

Emerald Spellstone caused literal meltdowns.

And this was all before Genn/Baku.

Naturally, Baku Hunter was “too problematic.”

Gee, I wonder what the metagame would look like if there was an actual mid range board centric class that could actually keep both control and aggro in check!

The world will never know because everyone is too paranoid that Hunter might, you know, actually do stuff.

(Please take this post for the salty rage that it is)