Can Blizzard make Paladin decks cheaper please?

For the past 2 years or so, Paladin decks have been extremely reliant on legendaries which makes crafting a viable Paladin deck very expensive. Practically every viable Paladin deck is 10K or more in terms of dust cost. Some of the current meta decks are relatively cheaper to craft. You can even run budget versions on some of them.

I would really love to start playing Paladin. But, I never get any Paladin legendaries from opening card packs.

I’d be willing to craft 1-2 legendaries if it meant that I can have a viable Paladin deck. But if I gotta craft 4-5 legendaries, forget it. I got better things to spend my dust on. Most meta decks run 3 legendaries at most

Anyone else who feels that it’s very expensive to have a Paladin deck?

i love playing paladin but i also have all cards in standard so i dont feel that pain sorry, i spend way less on this than i did with yugioh or magic

Its pretty cheap compared to other classes I think.

I got 97% of the Paladin cards just from quest packs.

They can keep decks expensive while giving us more control on which legendary we find in packs or increasing the drop rate of them.

In 80 packs I usually find something like 3-6 legendary cards.
Someone will come and say “it’s the average, actually it’s even better than average”; well, that average stinks if every expansion has 20+ legendary cards available…

I still would love to see DH removed from the game so I can’t find its legendary cards (I find one of them in every single expansion…)

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